Lurch of the SoCal

You forgot the truck nuts

The Derivative Arts Emmys.

I think Adapted Screenplay being seen as a lesser award than Original is true, makes some sense, and largely explains this controversy. In the kind of adaptation that most people think of first, one that hews closely to the story of, say, a book, a chunk of the work has been done for you before you sit down to write.

You know, I’d never thought about Weird Al being an EGOT contender but at least when it comes to the Tony Awards, I guarantee that man could write a brilliant musical comedy that would clean up, if he ever decided to do so. I would not be remotely shocked to see him get that “T” in the EGOT at some point.

Is there any type of comedy that’s funny when you try telling people about it?

I did watch the whole third season, but I agree that it wasn’t as good as the first two. I think the main problem was the very thing they trumpeted about their move to Hulu, which was more creative freedom and longer episodes. The problem was that the longer episodes meant a breakdown in narrative discipline, leading

“You all look like unemployed backup dancers.”

Somewhat complicated question probably. Apparently the style rose up during the great depression, so it was a cheap way to add value to the item and likewise carried over to modern applications as a means of justifying a higher price for a hot dog at places. There is also the old world where the contents of the hot

You can simply just ignore the show. I haven’t watched a single Golden Globes ever. 

Having basically nothing but reruns on during the summer was not fun. I do not miss that.  It was a big new thing when Beverly Hills 90210 started showing new episodes in the summer.  

I find our differences in taste to be really interesting. I love PVP games, and I still actively play competitive FPS games nearly nightly. I really enjoy the challenge of facing real living humans as my opponents and seeing how I perform against them. Granted, I am also a significantly above average FPS player which

Asking as an outlander looking in: do Chicagoans really chomp through all that stuff in one bite when they’re eating a properly constructed Chicago hot dog?

My jaw feels sore just looking at the Portillo’s dog. The pickle spear is enormous

I’ve never understand the idea that you get satisfaction out of failing and eventually succeeding. All I ever get is frustration followed by relief that I’m done with a tedious task. Maybe it’s just my ADHD brain, but I cannot fathom the idea of just wasting hours of my time beating my head against a wall just because

I haven’t played Alan Wake, but isn’t the story super heavily inspired by the works of Stephen King and David Lynch?

I’m totally with you. I can’t stand PvP. That was one of the worst aspects of Fallout 76 at launch for me (and there were a lot of bad aspects to choose from). I didn’t need some 13-year-old asshole to merc me and say terrible things about my mother while I’m building a C.A.M.P. or just exploring the map. Fortunately,

a friend had said that apparently the civil war was going to be way more involved(based on cut content found by the modders) , but they had to cut a lot of content, so it was kind of repetitive and honestly i just went through because it was content.

BG3.  I’ve got 45 hours in this game and I just can’t get into it.  The role playing aspect is great fun but it’s just so RNG heavy in a very unfun way.  A lot of people say “lean into your failures, it makes the game more fun”.  However my failures tends to be every character can’t roll above a 3 in combat for 2

Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.

I’m with you on that. I did that a whole lot with both BotW and TotK. I figure if I’m not enjoying myself, what’s the point? 

before your parents even knew how to make you, there was The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.”