Lurch of the SoCal

This reminds me of the attorneys that go around suing small businesses for ADA violations. Ostensibly its to help disabled folks with access when all it really does is harm the business and line the lawyers pockets without any benefit to anyone else.

And we know the proper way to dispose of parasites:

Thanks. I read up until the allegations, then just skimmed the next two paragraphs and clearly missed that part.

Add in Popeye’s and Bojangles’ and then you got yourself a fast chicken fuster cluck.

When you watch a Zack Snyder film, you see and feels his love for the potential of cinema. The potential of it to be fantastical, to be heightened in its reality, but to move you and to excite you.”

“Or maybe Snyder is just a nice, cool guy and the people who know him have a lot of respect for him, and we should be less snarky about him and everything he does? Maybe that can be our resolution for 2024.”

I can read it but it’s beyond my comprehension after many decades of not speaking Hebrew. That said, I don’t see anything in there about lamb, salad or tahina sauce.

I just finished The Suicide Squad the other night and it really is funny, and a lot of fun. King Shark remains my favorite character and it took until the end credits to find out he was voiced by Sylvester Stallone, which I never would have guessed.

I just got into painting Warhammer minis in the last couple weeks and by coincidence also rewatched Chronicles of Riddick a couple days ago... and everytime the Necromongers were onscreen, all I could think of was “man, I sooo want to paint that army"

This isn’t really sad.  Like if Snyder is going to direct something, I’d at least it not be wasted on a property I’d actually give a damn about.

Does anybody want to see the Batman V Superman director’s take on the popular game?

This is a good run and I could sort of tell it might be winding down since Guillermo’s storyline essentially ended last season

I’m looking at my new internet “box” and it pretty much looks like the Series X that’s sitting on the other side of the room, just smaller.

Personally I think the closer Twitter is to destruction, the closer it is to perfection.

Please regale us about how you think he’s improved Twitter.  I need some comedy with my lunch.

Maybe I’m in the minority, maybe I’m not, but I want no part of that conversation.

Who asked for this?

And also providing a very sub-par version of the actual restaurant’s food...

Tim Allen being an absolute asshole on set isn’t new. This is less about this specific incident and more just about confirming what’s been known for decades. He’s *notorious* for this.

Tim Allen was always an hypocritical asshole who should have been in jail for trafficking.