Lurch of the SoCal

Was that when he told Variety that his show was “emotionally 100% true” but that “you can’t do the exact truth, for both legal and artistic reasons.” He explained that “obviously, we were very aware that some characters in it are vulnerable people, so you don’t want to make their lives more difficult. So you have to

*I know the exact type of fans too because I work with them and so will unfortunately have to hear them talk about how awesome it was for a long time.”

Note also the splendid “Liefeld’s Just Feet” store behind the duo.

for what, exactly? how much should an original cast get for remakes?

I hope Michael Palin outlives them all.

Those responsible for canceling the cancellation special have been canceled.

Useless fact! Hanks authorisation code is 101097 , the date that Fallout 1 was released!.

The Gulper absolutely does have a direct analogue in the games: it’s a creature in the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4.

rooted in her firing from Star Wars series The Mandalorian

He also understands that being willing to lampoon yourself a bit goes a long way towards ingratiating yourself with audiences.  Johnson and Diesel?  Not so much.

It’s so weird that a terrorist organization that claims to be fighting for the people against an apartheid nation who has kept them locked in an imposed third-world state for decades enjoys widespread support.

Israel could very easily defeat Hamas by building hospitals instead of bombing them, but then the “we’re

A fellow Jokerstache aficionado!

I never had much interest in seeing Joker but I would totally buy a ticket to a well-made Lex Luthor film. Just like Joker seems to be built on the bones of Tax Driver, Luthor could be a supervillain version of Wall Street. What if Gordon Gecko was a mad scientist?

I’m just loving having to indicate to someone that what they consider “trash” jobs are, in fact, a sizeable portion of primary careers in this country.

If you don’t think that companies are plotting ways to have ‘AI’ chatbots replace huge swaths of human customer service workers, buddy, I have an office complex in India to sell you.

Ask any copywriter or content writer you can find. AI is already replacing jobs, not well or effectively, but it is doing it. Why? Because quality is no competitor to free labor. No matter what. 

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

This is a dumb concern. We have always had companies re-airing popular TV shows that first aired somewhere else, and this has been a big part of Netflix’s business model for ages. That has not prevented companies (Netflix included) from making new shows.

Human spelling bees, dogs and cats maintaining a respectful distance...mass on Sundays!

Maybe it’s like cilantro where it tastes completely awful to a lot of people, but I can’t imagine disliking dill. Salmon, potato salad, not to mention nearly the entirety of both Greek and Polish cuisine.