Tentative deal done.
Tentative deal done.
The audience isn’t shown to the very end of the film, but IIRC they were trying to fill the house for a series of shows and having trouble doing so. I think it was KLOS (don’t remember if KMET had gone under by then), but they were essentially saying “Call us now for tickets” and talking up what it was.
As an example, Zack Snyder’s Watchmen.
I remember when they were filming “Stop Making Sense”. Local radio stations were giving away tickets, and I was too young to take them. DAMMIT.
The more of the stories about this kind of thing come out, the more I’m convinced that there’s more than just a professional dislike between them - I get the feeling it’s a matter of a complete rejection of ever working with Byrne again at that level based on their past issues.
I don’t see gore, I see mopey. I see a movie much like the first, too tied up in fan service via “deus ex Egon” and such to remember that part of what made the first movie a classic is that it’s light on it’s feet and keeps moving. Afterlife didn’t - it was a slog - and this seems content to follow.
OK, I’ve been following some of your storyline for a while, but if this is a movie that thinks it’s ‘funny’ on the back of the trailer then there are even worse problems afoot than the first “Afterlife”. With that mindset in watching it, it comes off so much more like the guy standing alone at a party trying to…
I tried to try Dutch Bros.
Caught Afterlife back during a cable “free preview” weekend a few months back. Regret having dedicated the time to specifically and with intent watch the movie.
The self care market is “One Born Every Minute” exponentially exploded.
If you can’t look at that and see the overwhelming majority of hyperpartisans on EITHER side - or frankly ANY side - of an issue, then you are indeed the problem.
I could’ve sworn at least two of the movies feature characters getting “murdered” only to be found to have faked it. “Unmurdered” is still weird tho.
What’s always so joyful is the intentional conflation of someone who refers to “Israel” the country/government with someone who refers to “Jews” or “Jewish” or anyhthing faith based.
I’m glad the wheel is turning.
I’m getting closer to thinking requiring a warning screen for all social media is a good idea. Just one, “This site is trying to kill you and/or destroy your life for their profit. This is your only warning.”. Click through it, anything goes. You feel stupid enough to eat arsenic dipped polonium pellets because…
There’s also something to be said for being comfortable when using the weapon when your character is supposed to be as well.
It’d be a pretty simple slam dunk in concept to basically take what they have with the Mario stuff and recreate it (with hopefully a different ride/s) for Zelda.
I’ve still got my grandmother’s deli slicer in a box somewhere. She’d buy big blocks of deli meats and preslice a solid month or more worth of meat. Even when the presliced and the block were the same price by weight she’d swear we were getting more from her way.
The video (also what was used as the header of the article) shows what appears to be a background projected on the screen around the person that appears to be moving to match his motions on the ‘pad’. Presumably this is more or less what is projecting in the goggles as well.
I’m not entirely sure how it’s all built, but I’m guessing they still haven’t figured out how to handle a realistic level of resistance when you’re walking.