Out of all the bad superhero movies, Shazam? Yeah. With you on that.
Out of all the bad superhero movies, Shazam? Yeah. With you on that.
One of my earlier jobs was working retail/warehouse for Knott’s, when they’d sell these (along with pancake syrups and other stuff) in gift boxes. They converted a back patio of one of the bigger stores from the public marketplace area into gift box sales and we moved easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of them.
Coen Brothers, George Clooney as the crusty old pawn broker.
OK. I’m up for this one. No PS so I’ve only been through the Tomb Raider games and enjoyed the recent reboot games greatly. A lot can go wrong on the way but I’m going to remain optimistic on it.
I don’t know if this rises to “class action”. Moreso because there may have been legitimate medical issues.
There was a quick moment when a couple chains all tried to come out with their version, the only one (I think) still around is the Carl’s Jr. California Classic. Could’ve sworn Jack had one as well. I could swear I remember absolutely paralyzing the poor register person when I asked if I could just get a single rather…
My growing theory is that somewhere in the Disney/Marvel machinery someone got bitter and then meta. I mean, there are worse ways to show you’re upset with being on a comic book show than to pick the absolute worst cliches in comic books and run with them.
I hate the falling back on “I just come from a different time. I see the changes that are happening. I get it, but goddamn, can we fucking laugh at ourselves?”
It gets better. In my experience, the marinara was actually chilled.
Jack in the Box still has “hash brown” patties, but they’re not Potato Cakes. Hell, the Arby’s and JITB curly fries are pretty comparable if you really objectively look at them. The Potato Cakes were something no other chain carried nor got near in quality.
I’d say that what you percieve is a clear notice that this site isn’t written with a strict Christian Sharia viewpoint. The commentary skews pretty heavily liberal, the writers intentionally irreverant - if you’re looking for something supporting the theocratic state, you’re in the wrong spot. Quite likely by intent.
Disney: “So, uh... about that ‘Kang’ thing. We need to backburner that for a moment, but we have a new role for you - hours of screen time, we’ll take care of you...”
At this point in his career he could probably get away with almost anything that stays in his basic lane. I could totally see a jukebox musical written by him with his stuff functioning as a parody of the form.
Does... this mean the rest of the Emmys are in the Not Particularly Creative Arts categories?
Wait, wait. You have to get it. See, there’s this CHICKEN. It needs to cross the road - so you’re like setting up this tension...
I was with them for the first two seasons. The show really felt like they could’ve been part of the same universe but the Federation’s little brother who couldn’t be trusted with transporters.
I have a friend obsessed with Malort who decided we all needed bottles for... I’m not sure if he thought the rest through.
It’s headache inducing if you get too far into the weeds. “Barbie” is adapted because she’s from a toy. “Maverick” is adapted because it is based on characters that existed in previous works. “Oppenheimer” because it’s based on a real person.
FNV also gave you the ability to side with two different versions of New Vegas - with or without House - and to shade your interactions with those endings by how your interactions with the NCR/Legion play out etc.
People are increasingly spoiled by tighter writing.