Lurch of the SoCal


The fallout from “Wish” failing is still coming. Say what you want about “Marvel Fatigue” or what have you, Disney didn’t have an entire 100th anniversary celebration planned around Bree Larson as the mascot.

Oh du schöne, oh du schöne, oh du schöne Schnitzelbank

FOAF years back tried to coerce me into attending their Oscar Watch party by telling me I’d be sorry if I missed it.

Hey now, never forget that if you eat enough poppy seeds you really can blow a drug test. That’s worth... something.

I never really understood the “take a hot dog, now pile on 2x the mass of the ‘dog in heavily spiced condiments so you can’t tell the hot dog is in there” school of thought.

“I want a lot of money and I already started the Marvel workout plan, so I’m seriously up for it,” he says in no uncertain terms in a new interview with Vaeriety. In fact, he even has “a likely contract in negotiation” about what kind of Marvel project he’d like to be part of, “But I heard if you keep pulling

Honestly I get the “I did it, I completed this hard task” euphoria. I just finished shoveling an arena full of horse crap, I feel a bit elated that I just worked my ass off and accomplished something that needed to be done.

I think I have every pre-”Mr. King Puts Himself Into the Stories” book from King. I’ve read about thirty or forty of Koontz’s works - which took effort because he only wrote about three before he just started swapping names. Barker? Enough four inch thick novels to build a small igloo. I’ve read every available

“Laughing Gnome”, “Boris the Spider”, heck - probably a good third of early Genesis (PG era). The silly side of pyschedelia. I think that line of whimsy is at least partially present in a lot of Bowie throughout his career, if not lyrically then when he got playful musically.

I hold them to the standard of Fallout: New Vegas.

I’m for there being some sort of restriction on how much of this stupidity you’re allowed to propagate before someone pulls your licensure.

I mean, their star QB is a tissue paper idiot with zero higher reasoning skills on display. Who’d want to play for a team that hires THAT kind of trash?

a place where the boys can “talk shit and try to make light of everything,””

I love RE, I have a sporadic love of the Silent Hill series, so I’m not against horror games on general terms.

Totally with you on the civil war stuff.

Tomb Raider’s about as bad. They have increased the amount of customization you can do to each element, but it’s... hard to get into.

PvP and Soulslikes.

They got $13 million out of Red Bull because it turns out Red Bull doesn’t actually give you physically working wings.

We had one of those out in SoCal for a while. Turned out they were just copying names and addresses without even going into the businesses and sending them complaint letters demanding settlements, and a lot of businesses opted to settle.