Lurch of the SoCal

I’ve been going to a relatively local chain (WhichWich) for sandwiches since I found the place, my only real exposure to the major chains at this point are the trays full of presliced sandwich bits. Those I can’t honestly tell the difference and I’d defy most people to be able to do so in a blind taste test condition.

I’ve always imagined that the “normal” ghouls would smell decently enough. They aren’t actually rotting, and would likely be willing to keep some level of hygiene simply because smoothskins tend to be jerks enough at them.

Absolutely with you there.

It’s my favorite part of Fallout 4. Somewhere near level cap I get bored with the story and start abusing the rebuild ‘bug’ in the settlements. I consider my personal ‘win’ to be turning the Commonwealth into a discrete series of massively fortified advanced towns with heavily armed caravans connecting them.

But when it’s all =/- .05% quality difference, does it matter?

I’ll do it.

Well, I’d always felt that Subway and Jimmy’s Johns were running on about the same level of low grade mediocrity. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference when I’ve been given one or the other at various functions without seeing the paper it was sold on.

Well, you have plenty of time now. Off you go.

This makes me wonder about Disney’s lack of pushback on the entire “The Marvels is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED” bit.

Cage mentions a similar process in the interviews surrounding “Renfield”, lifting directly from Schreck and “Nosferatu” and other sources.

If you’re talking the Xbox version you’ll probably be able to get it used for cheap after the holiday season. If it’s really coded into the disks and not a download then it’s not likely to have one of those “This code has already been used. Pony up cash so you can play” moments.

Personal musings, but things like the accusations here make me wonder.

There was a weird partly/mostly improvised show on Hulu that spawned out of the last writer’s strike - “Quick Draw”. It could be a rough watch while the actors figured out how to interact with each other in any actually funny way.

What I got out of a more in depth article is that the contracts on the core cast had run through and there wasn’t enough what have you (ratings, cultural cache, whatever) to justify signing another season or seasons worth.

Why, I remember back in that hard winter of ‘73... back when we had to worry about ice so bad the chickens would freeze on their perches. Yessir, that’s when we’d gather around the fire - almost like chicks to a hen - to listen to Uncle Howard explain the need for the systematic murder of precisely 23% of the world’s

Deathist bigot.

It’s incredibly disingenuous to deny that the media coverage is INCREDIBLY biased towards the Israeli propaganda and reports - it’s only been the last week that you could even post a “maybe we should stop killing both sides” without getting drug... oh wait.

How dare anyone not support Netanyahu and the extremist far right government of Israel? Doesn’t everyone understand that Netanyahu is the entirety of the Jewish faith, and failing to support every single thing he does is very literally committing a new Holocaust?

“Hey, whattabout that ‘Amityville Horror’? Talk about a great houseflipping story - get in, get the people talking, flip that house and move on!”

The better games have someone filling in this role, if not in actual name then at least function.