Lurch of the SoCal

I remember an ancient PvP “samurai combat” game that featured some of the more realistic swordplay as far as the effects - I don’t remember much about it, but I clearly remember getting hit with a sword at force was not a good thing on a permanent basis. Limbs lost. Blindings. All sorts of fun.

I’d honestly assume the latter. The process Hamm describes is pretty much what I’ve seen in every makeup documentary for basic appliances as well as limited personal experience confirming. If you can, say, make a Klingon headcrab for Star Trek you can probably make a pierced nipple.

This moves the game into my “need to look into” column.

Pretty sure had Barr sung it there wouldn’t be any questions about it because nobody would remember it outside those directly involved.

I mean, I’d be sad if my ass were bleeding all over my nice white pants and my horse’s saddle and I still decided to lead a cavalry charge. So at least he got THAT emotion.

I’m also hoping they go into the entire mystery of Napoleon’s penis and where it wound up.

This has to be the most backhanded “positive” review I’ve read in ages. No character introductions - hope you know the history - oh wait we’re not really following that. No real focus on anything other than ‘greatest hits’ - but it’s good that they don’t bog this historic biopic down in the actual history! Phoenix

I guess you could make some sort of a point about not trying to mimic a cultural accent you are not a member of, but couldn’t that then be avoided by simply, y’know, casting French performers? Or even just playing the “we were trying to avoid this conversation” rather than just randomly insulting French people?

“Luc Besson Presents: Wellington and the Parliament of a Thousand Lies

I haven’t seen the film but the clips of Phoenix’s performance aren’t really driving me to do so. The stylistic choice of putting the work in on the troops, costuming, sets, etc. then have him deliver all his lines in a flat unaccented delivery is certainly... a choice.

They used to do so, and every week there’d be the chorus of complaints of “I want a review, not a recap of every single sketch”. I preferred the recap, but this is sadly consistent with what at least some people screamed for every goddamned week for gods know how long.

“I’m sorry your honor, I fired everyone who knows how to find the code and the printer’s out of something, and yeah... fired them too...”

It makes sense he’d be threatening with a thermonuclear lawsuit.

“Justified: Zomboppin”

I think it’s kinda like bad films exist and have for a while, but Uwe Boll made an entire career out of doing so and somehow this made his films worth reporting on. Game Mill is the unifying factor in this case.

I thought that whatever sitcom he’s been on was the sequel to it? Weird idiot manchild grunts his way through life with put upon family suffering through every bit so Manly Life Lessons Can Be Learned?

The review was pretty good about making it sound like the “white guy saves inept nonwhite sports team” that the latest rounds of commercials were pushing was not the actual narrative of the movie, good to see it confirmed.

I’d been getting a little less interested in the final rounds of commercials that played up the “white savior” angle of the story, but it sounds like that may have just been a poor choice on the ads. Here’s hoping, I generally like Waititi’s work.

Give me a tranquilizer gun and some privacy and I’ll get you there in under ten minutes.

“He’ll continue to be strangled—[if] you want to use that awful term for it.”