My immediate reaction with the commercials was “Oh, they’re remaking that Kubrick/Spielberg ‘AI’ thing”.
My immediate reaction with the commercials was “Oh, they’re remaking that Kubrick/Spielberg ‘AI’ thing”.
“Blame it on Rio”.
I’m old enough to remember when the concept of treating others with the dignity we hope to be treated with ourselves was considered ‘good’.
Why are we even still having this discussion?
I’m somehow doubting they’re going to be sniping randos for moving during “red light green light” in the show that the article’s about, but it’s hard to say it’s not an inspiration.
Looked it up, the people (and revival) were apparently inspired by the 2002 remake. Which happened?
If you’re talking about the relatively recent time they tried to bring back roller derby, they made a pretty advanced run at it.
I’m going to go the opposite way on this one.
Which, to be fair, is three times more than I laughed at “Afterlife”.
Finally broke down and saw “Afterlife”.
“John Wick 6: Two Weeks at Cabo, No Guns”
f*uck? Fyuck? Fnuck?
I’m trying to remember any equivalent mode from any fighting series that could be considered objectively ‘good’.
There is still (as far as I can tell from other reporting) an equivalent to “New Game+” which sounds like you get the entire “start massively overpowered and go from there” thing if you really want it. Just have to beat the game on ‘normal’ playthrough first.
We welcome the demise of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” and joyously receive the coming of our new Overlord, “Six Degrees of Taylor Swift”.
It would have been one of the grandest Faustian bargains ever.
I recently - a few months ago - had an acquaintance try to argue that the real danger was to ‘young healthy men’ due to the FL reports claiming an elevated level of heart failures that could only be traced to the vaccine. Thus, while HE was vaccinated (as an ER nurse it was required and he wanted to remain employed),…
It’s also really easy to live *within* your means in California. I’ve been doing it successfully for quite some time without being remotely famous or rich.
Oh well.