It’s a bit more complicated than the first source I checked - they do a review of which productions they grant waivers to, and apparently (not mentioned in my first read) WGA has asked that they not grant future waivers.
It’s a bit more complicated than the first source I checked - they do a review of which productions they grant waivers to, and apparently (not mentioned in my first read) WGA has asked that they not grant future waivers.
What I described is the actual process by which shows are granted waivers. If you agree to operate under the most recent offer from the union as your contract, you can be granted a waiver to operate.
Nah. I’ve been pulled over in a vehicle with expired tags. If you’re very lucky you get to drive away. Most of the time that’s an impound with mandatory hold.
I’d been ready to make some sort of joke about “benefits of poor decision making playing out in real time”.
I’m going to assume that by now there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to memes of her not being a meme again.
I mean, presumably Barrymore could have (as she’s apparently within this level of decision making) negotiated a new contract with her writers complying with their most recent offer as the accepted terms and then applying for the appropriate exemption.
I represent the venerable law firm of Dewey, Screwem, & Howe. We ask you immediately preserve all criticism of this so-called ‘product’ for when we gin up enough idiots to sign off on this new class action suit that the game in question is known to have been only of average size and not ‘big’.
It’s all about making sure the trial lawyers have a few extra hundred million. You know, just in case they need it.
I’ll be honest. My experience with “That 70's Show” was limited to the episodes I was shown against my will by friends when they were trying to convince me it was worth watching.
Still running around AC: Valhalla, and hitting my personal wall.
Which has given carte blanche to the chattering class to endlessly dismiss every single person who goes as an asshole techbro.
I was curious about the “Donald Trump” take on the strikes, mainly because I can’t recall having actually heard about it.
My ex’s ‘camp’ towards the end was basically just a place for her and her friends to relax in the shade and have a few drinks, it really comes down to whatever it is you are willing to drag up, set up, and tear down.
Everything is brought in. If you make something TOO stupid they may make you stop letting people use it - I remember an astroturf giant slide that apparently was a really bad idea. Pretty much everything else is up to you and/or your camp. You ARE supposed to remove everything and your trash when you leave, offenders…
Because literally every single person at Burning Man is a rich techbro.
Burning Man, by nature, is what you make it.
*mumblemumble* FREEDUMB!
The Walking Dead: 90 Days: Love Island
#teamluna. Hell yeah.
I suppose right now? Even if there is not a single person that would by preference watch it, it’s either run the already produced content or run reruns - or try and come up with AMC based reality shows.