
I don’t want fan-service. I want Star Trek. I want discrete, single serving adventures with interesting sci-fi concepts and gradual character growth. I do not want fully serialized Trek, and if we must have serialization I would rather have the light serialization/ big bad of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

Extreme blandness can be it’s own kind of offensive.

Elvis Costello with the right take.

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

The strange part is that it was the last Star Wars movie. Like, they said it was supposed to be a trilogy, but the third movie never materialized. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with the ending of TLJ.

This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.

Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

+1 from this Millenial who did all his stupidity just under the wire before cell phone cameras were worth a shit...feels good!

Reminds me of something Mark Hamill said about Luke Skywalker a few years ago

That critic has been very rude, and while I wish it wasn't so, he needs a hard stare.

Um, because that was literally the case?

But you shouldn’t have to do any of that.


That seemed like a pretty full-assed apology to me. He didn’t actually say anything (Unlike Cannon), he apologized for not doing anything more to confront it, he accepted responsibility, and expressly condemned anti-Semitism. Short of a trip to Yad Vashem, I’m not sure what else he was supposed to do.

🎵 Troy and Abed catching lawsuits! 🎶

So you’re just an asshole got it.

Mayim Bialik is at the very least an anti-vaxx sympathizer so she can go right to hell too.

Hot take: Black Panther and Citizen Kane are both good movies, and there’s really no value in ranking them hierarchically.

Outkast could write “I Want to Hold Your Hand” but the Beatles could never write “B.O.B.”