Except he didn’t say any of that. Instead he went with some bafflegab about how awful the media is and how they’re out to get the poor, put upon billionaire manager who got caught at a $75/hr tug joint.
Except he didn’t say any of that. Instead he went with some bafflegab about how awful the media is and how they’re out to get the poor, put upon billionaire manager who got caught at a $75/hr tug joint.
Counterpoint: Don’t shoot it. Kill it before principle photography can begin.
Also, the state shouldn’t be murdering people in my name.
If all Bush had were horrible opinions that would be one thing, but that motherfucker has an enormous body count. Fuck him, and fuck her.
Also, they sure don’t give a fuck about the massive social upheaval that will result when the conservative block of the court rescinds Roe.
Boy, it’ll be fun in 15 years when, say, James Corden is palling around with Donald Trump, Jr and every elite pundit is polishing both their knobs about it.
Hate to tell you this, but most of Hitchcock’s oeuvre was considered trash in its day, even Vertigo. Hell, North by Northwest ends on a dick joke that Adam Sandler would find too obvious.
I absolutely believe that the distinction between high and low culture is arbitrary and stupid, and trying to find the line between “cinema” and “movies” is also fruitless. All that said, in 60 years people will be as likely to watch Ant Man and the Wasp as you are to watch Abbot and Costello Meet The Mummy.
Yeah, stop liking the things you like, assholes!
It’s not so much that “there is no catch,” or “you can never control the ball” so much as “the distinction between catch and non-catch, or between receiver and ball for that matter, are meaningless and deluded.”
Me and my daughters are 100% into Steven Universe and anybody who does or would have a problem with that can suck my butt.
What are Grampa, Jasper, and the crew watching as the old person tv show now that all the Matlock watchers are dead or near it?
Eastern philosophers made peace with metaphysical vagueness long before anybody in the West learned to wipe their ass.
How many grains of sand are needed to make a heap? There is no heap. All duality is a delusion.
That’s not how you use an apostrophe you gravy-brained motherfucker!
This Brechbuhl person who listened in on the call needs to be in front of a hearing by Monday.
What tripped me up is that the whole thing took place in the shadow of Stone Mountain.
I mean, you could do that, but it wouldn’t blow up on Instagram.
I don’t know man. They’re probably getting my Braves, so I fully expect us to have our customary 3-1 NLDS loss.
I was done with Gladwell when, on his podcast, he tried to tell Tina fucking Fey how to be funny.