John Boehner

That’s what baffles me. With the simplest attempt at a non apology he could have sailed through. What would he do if someone acted like this in his courtroom??

He obviously knew this shit was going to pour out because they were prepared for some of it. He could have gotten out in front of, it or at least diminished the blow but just owning up to being a drunken frat boy. He could have gently denied the assault accusation by saying he doesn’t remember anything like that,

I never had a credit card til I turned 42. Now I’m I’m 13k in debt at 23% interest and make 25k a year. Add rent, car note, medication,food, gas...I’ve just discovered a budget at 47. Please please don’t be me.

Not unheard of for celebrities to go broke? That’s an understatement. It’s actually more unheard of for them to hang on to their money. And, I’m.sorry but I don’t buy that ‘it’s just freebies’ line anymore. These freebies must be like gateway drugs, once they reel you into feeling you can’t be seen without designer

That’s what ALL artists say and next you hear they’re not only broke but are several million in the hole so I take that ‘it’s just freebies’ fairytale they keep spinning with a box full of salt.

That’s not even a fair comparison since there’sly no non-pejorative usage of “retarded.” GTFO here with that mess.

Just gonna leave this here with regards to the idea that “FFFF” is a reference to a friend:

Even if she got the stuff she wore into Barney’s for free, she didn’t get the stuff she walked out of Barney’s with for free.

I don’t care about nouveau richness in terms of class gatekeeping so much as just fiduciary stupidity. There’s a lot of self-made, first generation rich people who don’t act like fools with their money. It’s about, to paraphrase old Kanye, not going to Jacob with 25 thou before you have a house, metaphorically

Sit her down in front of the TLC Behind the Music!

When ever I see or hear of celebs spending money like that I get super nervous for them! Like calm down get a nice dependable car, a nice home with good resale value, a few statement pieces if you must and as Lil dicky raps “save dat money!” Do they not have ONE person saying hey maybe don't get the 1,000$ slippers!?!?

Cardi B became famous only two days ago and she always seems to be spending money like the gravy train’s never gonna stop. Not only is it nouveau riche AF, it’s reckless. Just ask Johnny Depp.

Hm I’m pretty sure Kavanaugh is a literal piece of fratboy shit actually

I read a blind item that insinuated that Hardwick and the Hearst family hired a bot farm to defend his honor on twitter, and I wouldn’t put it past them to get into comment sections as well. Unfortunately, I know some very real people (women at that) who defend him as well. 

I highly recommend not reading the greys.  Ugh.

I only knew him as one of Wil Wheaton’s friends on his Tabletop series, but then I started watching @midnight which I LOVED. Him turning out to be a giant piece of shit like an ex of mine was honestly a huge blow.

Who is Chris Hardwick’s fanbase? I admit that I know nothing of him or the shows/podcasts he does. He seems rather unremarkable, as described in articles but he seems to have a rabid and loyal fanbase. Weird.

Yeah, he squicks me out in a major way. Plus, between Mischa, Lohan and now Demi, I worry that he might not be the most effective sober coach out there. Perhaps he’s not the healthiest person to remain in her life?

Wilmer seems to leave a path of destruction everywhere he goes, so good on him if he’s helping her but...

Poor Maisie Williams had to suffer through seasons 4 and 5 and went from fan favourite to their kill list.