That sex tape was on the softer side
That sex tape was on the softer side
Dalek put out an album last year, which I’m pretty sure was after 2009. Asphalt For Eden. It was good!
They started as a hardcore band and occasionally revisited the style. I wouldn’t call them a punk band per se but they did have punk songs.
Yo, I can’t believe they got the PE in court before the judge on some nonsense.
Incidentally, I have a piece of process music with the exact same instructions.
Hey, that’s all we want him to do!
Y’know, I would absolutely expect to find that in the Taylor Swift thread. Good instinct!
Yep. The George W. Bush Monument To Irony is indeed located on SMU’s campus.
Crass, catastrophic, coprophagic, cretinous - a category 4 president.
The Mueller Drafthouse is also right next to a park that usually has a shitload of small children, who are hopefully terrified of clowns.
Black Randy And The Metrosquad, The Birthday Party, Lice, Nation of Ulysses.
My only problem with Disqus was that it wouldn’t gratify my need for abasement (self or otherwise) by telling me when I got downvotes. This is even worse!
It's basically indistinguishable from Gawker and weirdly redundant now. And links to the other Gawker sites - while I don't mind the other sites, I liked how (relatively) self-contained the AV Club was as a user-experience. I thought I was going to stay, but I think I'm out now.
It's basically indistinguishable from Gawker and weirdly redundant now. And links to the other Gawker sites - while I don't mind the other sites, I liked how (relatively) self-contained the AV Club was as a user-experience. I thought I was going to stay, but I think I'm out now.
Austin is relatively liberal compared to the rest of Texas, but there’s a bunch of confederate bullshit still lying around. A few large monuments at the Capitol, and several streets named after confederate generals - I noticed Robert E. Lee Rd for the first time a few weeks back, to disappointed surprise.
I somehow ended up with both a burner account and my transferred Disqus account with the same name.
Yeah. There was a thing involving shitbirds and images of sexual violence awhile back.
I was born a Calvinist Anarchist. life is confusing.
Well, that's all of No Exit and all of Disqus.