Gilles De Raisin Bran

Well, that's all of No Exit and all of Disqus.



GARCIN: This bronze. Yes, now's the moment; I'm looking at this thing on the
mantelpiece, and I understand that I'm in hell. I tell you, everything's been thoughtout
beforehand. They knew I'd stand at the fireplace stroking this thing of bronze, with all
those eyes intent on me. Devouring me. What? Only two of you? I

GARCIN: This bronze. Yes, now's the moment; I'm looking at this thing on the
mantelpiece, and I understand that I'm in hell. I tell you, everything's been thoughtout
beforehand. They knew I'd stand at the fireplace stroking this thing of bronze, with all
those eyes intent on me. Devouring me. What? Only two of you? I

INEZ: Well, what are you waiting for? Do as you're told. What a lovely scene: coward
Garcin holding baby-killer Estelle in his manly arms! Make your stakes, everyone. Will
coward Garcin kiss the lady, or won't he dare? What's the betting? I'm watching you,
everybody's watching, I'm a crowd all by myself. Do you hear

INEZ: Well, what are you waiting for? Do as you're told. What a lovely scene: coward
Garcin holding baby-killer Estelle in his manly arms! Make your stakes, everyone. Will
coward Garcin kiss the lady, or won't he dare? What's the betting? I'm watching you,
everybody's watching, I'm a crowd all by myself. Do you hear

ESTELLE: Garcin!

ESTELLE: Garcin!

GARCIN: I "dreamt," you say. It was no dream. When I chose the hardest path, I made
my choice deliberately. A man is what he wills himself to be.

GARCIN: I "dreamt," you say. It was no dream. When I chose the hardest path, I made
my choice deliberately. A man is what he wills himself to be.

INEZ: Do you really wish to convince me?

INEZ: Do you really wish to convince me?

GARCIN: Let go of her.

GARCIN: Let go of her.

GARCIN: Open the door! Open, blast you! I'll endure anything, your red-hot tongs and
molten lead, your racks and prongs and garrotes— all your fiendish gadgets, everything
that burns and flays and tears— I'll put up with any torture you impose. Anything,
anything would be better than this agony of mind, this creeping

GARCIN: Open the door! Open, blast you! I'll endure anything, your red-hot tongs and
molten lead, your racks and prongs and garrotes— all your fiendish gadgets, everything
that burns and flays and tears— I'll put up with any torture you impose. Anything,
anything would be better than this agony of mind, this creeping

ESTELLE: Please! Please!

ESTELLE: Please! Please!

ESTELLE: Inez, how dare you? Don't listen to her. If you want me to have faith in you,
you must begin by trusting me.