Sorry, I was going to comment sooner, but I kept accidentally clicking on Kinja Deals stories.
Sorry, I was going to comment sooner, but I kept accidentally clicking on Kinja Deals stories.
Seems like they didn’t necessarily stop playing, but were caught out of position because they couldn’t locate the puck. Because it bounced off the netting.
I find it suspicious that both of these have exactly 69 likes and 69 retweets.
Warriors Investigators Ask To Whom Bell Tolls
Massachusetts Man attempts to purchase tape of his own handjob.
Don’t leave us hanging!
“Hold my beer.”
He’s not walking through that door, that’s for sure.
Help me settle a bet:
Matt Barnes is on his way over right now. Give him a few hours
move that provoked Young into, in TMZ’s words, “firing off a nut shot.”
Oh, I forgot all rich people are smart thanks
Oh sure but if I bang 8 threes I’m “too promiscuous” and have “no taste”.
The Bulls have now officially changed their name to the Steers
Yeah, she seems to have really taken a pounding this year.
Dude is fast. He should try track.
A a Seattle Supersonics fan, my favorite team is most like the Oklahoma City Thunder.
The Thunder always seemed a little like the Sonics, but I guess I was wrong. There it is in print , plain as day.
I was really hoping the Knicks wouldn’t be like the Knicks.