
Columbine was a trip because it happened on 4/20 and I was in High School and came home very very stoned and confused when my parents explained to me what had happened. What was more impacting was going to school out of state in Colorado and realizing friends/classmates were students at Columbine when it happened.

le sigh.

At the Oakland DMV, (large) woman behind the counter asks for my drivers license. I hand it over. She drops it. Woman next to her offers to pick it up for her. She replies, ‘Naw, it’s okay, I’m real good with my feet.’ Proceeds to fish around under the desk (with what I assume is a bare foot), seconds later, my ID

Yay for gray! Was in line at court house registering my car recently after moving to Wyoming, guy in line next to me is ‘registering’ his ATV. Lady behind the counter asked him if it was ‘street legal’. He paused, and said, yes.. yes it is. She said great! and handed him a plate. Because, merica. I get the impression

Indeed. Follow-ups to Doug’s excellent advice would be a good read.

Got seriously nervous when you went into the garage. Years ago a good friend was working as a valet in Downtown Denver which used a garage to park the cars. One night he was parking a Hummer much like yours and was extra careful to be sure that it clears the clearance warning sign at the entrance to the garage - which

And you can buy em on Alibaba 'with Suzuki engine'. The Grom knockoff will only set you back $690.

That was my first car. 1992 Non-turbo 2.3 RWD. I drove it like a rental. Big back seat for Brianna too.

I'm thinking wheels, fenders, and tank on a motorcycle. Forget the TRON light cycle reference. This looks cool and adds to the safety factor.

Nevada made an attempt earlier this year.

I said the same thing until I tried it and realized how much safer it was. I was able to put myself in a position of of control, with better visibility, and (legally) being able to move out of the way of the idiots. Now that I recently moved to one of the 'other' 49 states, every time a light turns red I tense up,

Well said. Also speaks to a big reason why riding a motorcycle gives a sense of freedom. Not so much the stereotypical 'open road' ride into the sunset cliche, but in reality its one place where the constant connection to technology can be temporarily ignored. Maybe once everyone is in their self driving cars moving