
Gamecube Wavebirds. You can play Wii virtual console games with it. They last ages on a couple of AA batteries. And they have a good range. They have their own receivers that plug into the the Wii's Gamecube ports. They also work with Gamecube titles, obviously, as well as the odd Wii title, like the rather excellent

Now with inappropriately jaunty music!

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Vintage Action Man commercials. Yes, that is Tom Baker doing the voice over on one of them. Stick with them for the awesomeness of the Palitoy Talking Dalek.

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Oh, Action Man actually turned up in Doctor Who - they were sometimes used as victims of the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator weapon. See these examples from The Deadly Assassin. Action Man's Scorpion Tank was also used in a model sequence in Tom Baker's debut story 'Robot', although the effect wasn't

Those figures are an assortment of Action Man toys. He was the British equivalent to GI Joe, made by Palitoy, which was a UK subsidiary of Hasbro and was launched a couple of years after Joe. Action Man and GI Joe were pretty much the same for a couple of years, but then Palitoy re-sculpted Action Man's head. Later,

"Rockstar found interesting things to do with him but C.J. still comes into being by virtue of another overused stereotype."

I have read that the a heavily patched version of the full PC game is available for free somewhere on the web. Haven't been able to find it yet, but would love to try it.

Well, Miyamoto has said in interviews that he had the idea of a 3D Mario game, then realised it would need analog controls and a well thought-out camera system. So, yeah. Genius.

Shogun. Yes, it was for TV, but apart from Richard Chamberlain and a handful of other white actors, the entire cast was Japanese and spoke Japanese.

In the UK, if I buy to 2nd hand goods, I have a right to expect that they will function as intended. That's enshrined in our consumer law. Somehow, I can't see how having to buy codes to unlock a game is going to square with that law. If I buy a 2nd hand car, I don't have to pay Toyota the cost of a new engine to

Looks like a big fat seam with a swordfish caught in it to me too. Not quite the same thing as a swordfish ramming the side of the hull and driving it's beak straight through, which is kind of what the headline is implying. But hey, this is Gizmodo. Hyperbole and internet hits rule over accuracy.

I hope your comment survives, despite making no sense.

Rapey the Dwarf. Forever unloved.

Wanking himself into a coma, by the sounds of it.

What's that? You'll have -pZZZZZZZZt- speak up, because I can't h-pZZZZZZZt-ear you over the -pZZZZZZZt- noise the damn -pZZZZZZZZt- camera is making.

Wait, so psychotic mass-murderers with guilt complexes are sexy to the gays? Er, ok. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

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That's very cool. But even more impressive is the Colditz Castle glider, made from bedsheets, curtain rods, and whatever else the POWs could scrounge without the Nazis noticing. They never got to fly it, because Colditz was liberated by the US Army the day the flight was due. However, some years later, a replica was

"Unfinished business tends to be something more life affirming than beating someone up."

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Nah, that's not Guy Pearce. He did show up in Aussie soap Neighbours though, circa 1987, in which he still looks pretty much the same as now.