
When over elaborate title sequences are the best thing about the show, its time to call it a day.

I predict this will become the latest must-have accessory for the Russian Mafia, in drive-by shootings and gangsta-rap videos and with a special gold plated edition for looney dictators.

Still not fixed the grammatical errors or badly phrased sentences, huh? And you're supposed to be a writer? Have you ever heard of proof-reading? Do you even take pride in your work? Are you a massive douche?

Some of the Gawker staff don't seem to be able to take the slightest bit of criticism. I pointed out where an article by Keith Veronese over on Io9 was riddled with grammatical errors and how it could be improved upon. He took offence to it, gave me a warning and moved the thread to #trolled. Then I got suspended for

Yes indeed it is. Although I liked the song, cos it fitted uite well with the slightly tongue in cheek humour of Infestation.

Victorian London would be interesting and it's certainly something they could visit in a future game. It'd depend greatly on the storyline, because unlike the Crusades-timeline games and the Renaissance-timeline games, there wasn't a tangible conflict going on in and around Victorian London that I can put my finger on

I liked him best when he was Mike in Neighbours.

I hear you man. It's got nothing to do with games, gaming culture or anything like that. It's effectively an advert for some smug, condescending arsehole's book in which he can pretend to be a gigolo. Oh! And we can become enormously successful with the opposite sex if we just follow his simple wisdom of coming across

And this is supposed to be funny, yeah? Cost that was painful. Actually, no. Not painful, shit. The word I was looking for was shit.

Remember the days when Kotaku wasn't shit?

Vegetable tanned leather will shrink during the tanning process. So, if that was an impression of Garnet's face, it's entirely possible that it would have shrunk proportionately. Vegetable tanned leather was typically used in book-binding.

White Balance on the on-board camera is all to hell.

Cool story. Robot Chicken should probably give him residuals for every time they recycle that joke.

I appreciate you might not like having the various errors in the article pointed out to you ("record of this offenses against him" makes no sense either) and if you want to condemn the comment as trolling (I wasn't, by the way), so be it. But at least fix the mistakes in the article so it makes a modicum of sense.

Pointing out that there are whole swathes of the article that make no grammatical sense is trolling?Really?

Someone give this man a star.

That wood would have to be a lot flimsier and cover a bigger hole to be in severe danger of breaking. And given that the prohibition era was just shy of a century ago, and the hatch appears to made from the same wood as the surrounding floorboards (in order that it would stand up to a cursory inspection, I'd assume),