
I have a friend from Ayrshire who moved out to Venezuela when she was a teen, along with her sisters and brothers, who were much younger. She still has her Ayrshire accent, but her siblings all sound like they're from South America and dip in and out of Scots English/Spanish mid sentence. Anyway, when she returned to

And yet the whole thing is better than Spider-Man 3. And the 70s TV movies.

That's absolutely true, yeah. Doesn't matter if it's products, lifestyles, ideas and ideologies or even ourselves. Photos are almost always used to manipulate our perceptions and thoughts. But like I said, it's something we're all guilty of, even tacitly. When you pick your Facebook profile pic, you're sending out the

Well, one is a typical store bought burger that gets made up in the shortest amount of time possible and slapped in a box, the other is cooked under ideal conditions by a food specialist who carefully arranges the ingredients in as visually appealing a way as possible, melt the cheese more as required and adds ketchup

I don't mind 2. It's not like the original is a subtle satire - it's full on i-your-face. Besides, of all the spin-offs of RoboCop, it's by far the best. 3 is woeful, the series was awful and those recent TV/straight to DVD movies were utter shite. Oh, and the Marvel animation was pretty shitty too. There was a really

Isn't the one on the left the Genesis Device?

Never, ever trust the Daily Mail. This is the paper that backed Oswald Mosely back in the 30s.

Pong on the life support machine for the win!

Er, no. No, I really shouldn't. You should chill though. Seriously, you'll give yourself an embolism or something.

So THAT'S why there's no Schindler's List 2.


In the UK, we hold no truck with this 'popsicle' nonsense. They're Ice Lollies.

Abba. You forgot Abba.

Actually, Channel 4 News is highly respected. Our terrestrial TV networks are quite heavily regulated, unlike our press. Though, the way things are going over details about how closely the Tory party are in bed with Rupert Murdoch's News International - that might change soon.

It's worse than that - organic web shooters. No, really.

When I pointed out some grammatical errors and mistakes in an earlier article by Veronese, he marked those as trolling, and then banned me for a week. I thought it was a bit over-reactionary, so fuck knows how he'll react to loads of comments pointing out his article is basically bullshit.

The UK? Become a member of the United States in my lifetime? What a load of utter crap. Why would you write an article and end it on such ridiculous piece of nonsensical writing? There's not even any logic behind it. "As the English monarchy becomes little more than a tourism-driven cliché, the identity of Great

I think it might be like MacBandit says - Letterman sucks the funny out of the room. I like Bill Murray fine, but this skit doesn't strike me as amusing. But then American talk shows like this have never struck me as that amusing anyway, and Letterman least of all. Maybe the format just doesn't translate that well

Didn't this guy used to be funny?

I can't remember exactly how they shot the topple, but it might well have been done from a low down mockup of the side of the barge, rather than from the top of the full set. But yeah, I'd imagine they'd want a fibreglass version of R2 for that, along with at least one stunt Threepio.