
Three R2-D2's, if you look at the shot of them being hoisted up on a crane. Most likely one for Kenny Baker, one RC version and one with an air cannon to launch the lightsaber hilt through the air.

Wasn't Giz telling us that with current smartphones, the age of the point & shoot camera was over? Along with pocket camcorders because Cisco canned the Flip. Even though Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo Fuji and a shit-tonne of other companies are still making pocket camcorders. Is it possible that sometime, articles on

I'm sorry - what's on your mind?

Nazis. I hate these guys.

He has a gun? Surely his socialist weapons of choice should be a hammer and sickle? Which could actually look kinda cool.

Aw c'mon! Captain Britain is awesome. And he has magic-based powers. And let's not forget Union Jack.

People have always accused the BBC of bias throughout its history. Usually, whichever party forms the government of the day claims the BBC is in favour of the opposition. Sometimes, the opposition claims the BBC is in favour of the government. Given the number of times the ruling party has switched between Labour and

Biased against whom? The BBC isn't perfect by any means, but still it's the best and most neutral media organisation in the world, bar none. Watch Sky News or Fox News if you want to see bias in news media.

It's these crappy R2 models. Now the R1 - THAT was a droid. Sure, it couldn't move and had to be permanently hardwired into the navicomp, but at least it wouldn't set off halfway across the desert while you weren't looking.

Wait - is the astromech blue & white? Kinda willfull? Cos I used to own a droid just like that, that I loaded up with space princess hologram porn.

And that to be in the Royal Navy, you have to have balls of steel.

Sperm-Crippling Gene = big Jewish guy who comes round and kicks you in the nuts.

There were no yellow and white helicopters plunging over the edge of a helipad in slo-mo in Moonraker. If anything, I think what they''re doing is similar to Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded - a re-imagined version of the story that's in-keeping with the current James Bond movies

Actually, back in the days of old, oral hygiene was significantly better than it is today. Go back just a few hundred years, and there are almost no cavities amongst the teeth in human remains. It was really things like the introduction of sugar to our diets that brought about tooth decay. The argument that we have

While I suppose it's possible that aliens might have stirred the primordial soup, I doubt that they were here deciding how our teeth would emerge. There's about 3-4 billion years between the emergence of multi-cellular life and human beings. Who has that sort of time?

He(/she/it?) put Richard Dawkins here just to mess with our heads and draw us off the scent. :D

Because if intelligent design was real, NO-ONE would have dental development problems. Or be born with spina bifida, or have Multiple Sclerosis, or dementia, or be blind, deaf, or dumb. There'd be no siamese twins. No child would be born brain-damaged. There'd be no incredibly rare defects like the skull not growing,

If that were in any way true, people wouldn't need to have wisdom teeth removed. The human skull would have been intelligently deigned so that never had to happen. But, the human skull is too small to accommodate wisdom teeth - which would indicate that we have evolved to have smaller jawbones than our fellow

It's a witchhunt! Who's the witch though?