
Yeah, but that's because we have more taste and/or our eyes work properly.

Agreed. The art design, costumes and make-up effects were all really good, but you can't out-do the ending of the original.

I did once work on a primary school theatre show, where it was left to the children to devise the plot themselves. They decided on a story where a spaceship from earth lands on two different planets. One inhabited entirely by girls, which was pink and the major pastime was shopping; and one inhabited entirely by boys,

"I'm not depressed at people making fun of me," he said. "It's like a parody of Barack Obama. It's making me more popular"

Character Options (who do most of the Doctor Who toys) makes a lego-compatible range, including Doctor Who. The minifigures are a bit different, but you can use Lego bricks to expand them. However, given that the BBC have awarded a licence to make a Doctor Who-branded Lego-a-like, you can bet that Denmark won't be on

How come this twat hasn't been flattened by the banhammer yet? I love how everyone who disagrees with him is automatically labelled as 'brainwashed'. Maybe his telly is permanently tuned to Fox News?

Wow. You're an idiot.

While not all of us might have unnaturally straight, sparkling white teeth, we do at least have healthy teeth. There's a much greater emphasis on keeping your teeth & gums clean and healthy than on some superficial perfect smile. Besides, I've been to the US. I've seen how your privatised, insurance led healthcare

What form will the DLC take? Fag ends blocking the drain and that random pound coin you don't dare touch.

I really hope there isn't a two player mode.

Yeah, we did do a shitload of that back then. Still, at least some good came of it. The Empire became the Commonwealth, English is a world language, and there are three places that do a good curry on my high street.

It's probably because Hollywood does it all the time. Practically all the Imperial Officers in the Star Wars movies were British - and there's loads of other movies that do similar things. Except Cliff Hanger, where Jon Lithgow is merely trying to do a cut-glass British accent, & failing miserably. "You Baaahstard",

One 't', mate. and a capital 'B' ;D

Yep. Good old British press. Freely making shit up and getting away with it for years.

This is true. It is after all, a sacred cash cow for the BBC these days. Which makes a nice change from when it was seen as an embarrassment, really. Still, I quite liked Dalek Attack on the Amiga.

Or a really, really good Doctor who game. Not the abominations that came out on the Wii & DS last year, and with more depth than The Adventure Games from the BBC website. With time-travel based puzzles and Daleks and Cybermen and everything.

You didn't have your speakers on when you watched the video, did you?

Well, she does write for the Daily Mail - they do nothing but scaremongering. Have done since the 30s when they were warning Britain that we were about to be swamped by foreigners. The fact they were fleeing Nazi Germany was conveniently overlooked, as the paper was a support of Oswald Mosely, a British fascist of the

Why doesn't this make sense to more people?

Or, it's a museum exhibit demonstrating how these fascinating, extinct creatures might have reproduced, which is a side to them we don't often see represented. Usually, museum exhibits of T-Rexes tend toward the "big huge dino killer". I don't see it as being particularly immature. If anything, it's a means of getting