
Yes, but not THE Rani. Rani Chandra. Rani is a British Asian teenager who lives opposite Sarah Jane in the series, as opposed to the amoral scheming Time Lady.

Well, a few years ago, when ITV were caught misusing premium-rate phone-in competitions, etc, etc, in which they made an awful lot of money by effectively duping their audiences, actively selected contestants for game-shows based on how-good looking they were, etc and generally acted in various illegal ways according

I have no major problem with Sony re-releasing PS2 titles through PSN, but it'd be nice if they gave us the option to play them from disc when it's so obviously within the capabilities of the PS3 to do so. And it'd be nice if the digital download versions were able to run in 480p widescreen like real PS2s can.

Also looks like they've embellished the cave R2 hides from the Jawas in. Probably to give it more depth in the 3D version, I'll bet.

Meet Mr & Mrs Farker and their daughter, Martha.

Action figures of the Doctor wearing his Fez, Leela and Peri are all now available. Scaroth will be out in a few weeks.

How can a 30-something woman be too old for a 900 year old man? And i found Donna to be refreshingly funny.

You sir, are a genius. Joby should be kicking your down down to work with you.

In the UK, the Grey American Squirrel has almost completely decimated the smaller, native Red Squirrel population, which is now found in only a few places. I think the Grey's carry a disease which is fatal to the Reds. Chinese Mitten Crabs have colonised the Thames in London and are eating the native crabs.

Again, you're spot on mate. Alien & Alien 3 are definitely the closest in terms of their dynamic, and I suspect a lot of that is to do with them essentially boiling down to being one creature vs Ripley, (with a few supporting characters) as opposed opposed to Aliens and Alien: Resurrection where Ripley's very much

Strictly speaking, it's not a director's cut, as David Fincher didn't have anything to do with that version, but you're right, it's a much better cut of the film. Not that the original was that bad either, especially after the amount of interference from Fox during the shoot - not as good as the first two movies, but

Actually, gaining bombs as a weapon is pretty consistent with some of the previous games. Altaïr had throwable bombs in Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles on the DS and iPhone, so it fits perfectly that the technology would have been lost to Ezio until his journey to the Middle East and exploring the ruins of the

While the idea of creationism to me is a load of old crap, wouldn't any creator be in itself, have to be the creation of something else? And need an environment to be nurtured in while it creates? Or did it just pop into existence and then get busy creating the universe? Are they standing on the back on an infinite

But doesn't it get awkward dragging an inflatable doll everywhere you go?

I think the simultaneous best and worst video game in sci-fi is probably Global Thermonuclear War from Wargames.

Also, surely the worst fictional video game in sci-fi is Star Wars' Holo-chess? You've got photorealistic 3D hologram graphics of cool monsters, and all they do is slowly plod across a very small and confusingly designed circular chess board. Not exactly God of War, is it?

I love the way that all the maps of countries in the World Domination game from Never Say Never Again look nothing like the actual places.

Yeah, cos thousands of kids breaking into shops and nicking stuff on masse is fine.

Save yourself the effort. I'm a huge fan of the TV series and the movie is just hideous. Terrible acting, awful dialogue and really flat direction. You can understand why the studio didn't do press screenings. The only good bit is Uma Thurman in a leather catsuit.