
The Dark Knight Returns is set when Batman is 50 years old or more. Also, what's canon about a comic book that's been running for 72 years? They can (and have) had multiple versions of Batman. Did you notice that all those character skins for Arkham City are different? Still all Batman though.

Is that good?

We've got internet connectivity - it's just not very good. BT use a maxed out microwave link to connect us to the mainland, which fluctuates wildly depending on atmospheric pressure. However, there is a fibre optic line connecting us to the mainland which runs down from Faroe - but BT won't connect us to it, because

Oh, I dunno. I'm running a mixed network of Macs & PCs quite happily on a 2Mbit line, along with my PS3, PSP, Wii & DSi. But there is some truth in what you say - at the moment, Shetland is connected to the rest of the world by a maxed-out microwave link with no extra capacity and zero redundancy. However, we've

Why? Libya had nothing to do with the Lockerbie bomb. All the evidence points to Iran who paid a breakaway Palestinian group to transport the bomb from Tel Aviv to Heathrow via an Israeli aeroplane, which was parked next to the Pan am flight at the gate.

It's called Stalinism.

I think the main thing to remember with the Batman movies - especially the Nolan ones - is that audiences expect a certain amount of realism in the films, where as the comics are free to be comics. That's why, for example, when they were talking about a Superman/Batman movie recently, it was mentioned that if it

While the first Minidiscs used the ATRAC format, later models could store 1Gb on a disc and could indeed play MP3's as of 2005.

Torchwood 2 was closed down prior to the 456 turning up in 2009, Torchwood 4 disappeared. Torchwood India was closed down by Captain Jack in 1924, but then they discovered that it existed in a sort of temporal pocket powered by people's potential futures. It got sealed off. That was all covered in the Radio 4 play

More likely they were just hire in from a props/set house. I think they turn up in one of Peter Davision's later stories (Terminus) too. Actually there's tonnes of stuff from movies & other shows that turned up in Doctor Who over the years. A good example is the Hairbrush Transmitter hat Roger Moore uses in the hotel

Well, I'm not really trying to compare the two in terms of the workmanship that went in to creating them - just saying that once a movie is done, more often than not the sets & models are dumped/forgotten about because they no longer have a value to the studio. They become junk.

When Murdoch took over The Times, they appointed an "Editorial Board", to ensure that The Times/Sunday Times remained editorially independent from the rest of News Corp. Yet no sign of the Millie Dowler phone hacking scandal on their front page this morning... Odd that.

No! You must listen to the celibate man in a dress. Heed his words on how to bring up children and treat women despite not being married and practicing abstinence on sexual intercourse.

There were metal gratings that were used as floor panels in Alien which afterward were returned to the suppliers and sat outside for seven years, until someone needed a whole lot of metal floor gratings for another movie. Which just so happened to be Aliens...

It does. Fags are colloquial British slang for smokes. Or, conversely, a junior boy acting as servant to a senior boy i public school.

Honestly? Probably one of the Saudi princes with money to burn. They often invest in loads of different companies - video production, horse-racing, hotels. Wouldn't surprise me if this was the case here.

@McMike: I grew up in the Shetland Islands - about 200 miles north of Scotland. Back in 1914, the Oceanic - a White Star liner - ran aground off Foula - one of the smaller islands. Took two weeks to break up on the rocks and in that time, every family on Foula took their boats over to the wreck and came back with

@McMike: I'd take those inflatables for damn sure. Free boats!

Anyone have any idea where I can get a replacement battery cover for my Wavebird and have it shipped to the UK?