
@dccorona: Or if you're in Europe, because the EU Common Fisheries policy is a fucking mess.

@Satan: Voice recognition software for the win.

@HAL9triple0: I wouldn't. I've never liked the novels much and Heir to the Empire is pretty overrated. One of the big problems with Star Wars is that the the bulk of it (the movies & animations) are, at their core either about Anakin becoming Vader or Vader & Luke's duality. Character-wise, they're as much the

@Bobulous: Meant to say you can't describe the driver as a murderer.

@heavens_blue: You the driver as a murderer, as murder is a very different act to that which occurred in this case. The result of their actions would best be described as manslaughter.

@the red-man: You nailed it. The justice system is for dispensing justice against those who transgress against society at large. Not as a means of revenge for victims of their surviving relatives. More people need to remember that.

@DocSeuss: The expanded cut of Alien 3 is far superior to the theatrical release, IMHO. I loved all the Alien movies (and even have a soft spot for AVP - with the exception of AVP: Requiem, which has really sloppy plot-logic and sucked balls, but I digress). Alien Resurrection was pretty damn good too, but for the

@Gonzie: Sorry, no Gamecube support. Which is kinds stupid considering it has Wii backward compatibility, and the Wii is just a Gamecube with motion support. won't support Gamecube controllers either, which makes playing certain games, like Smash Brothers and Goldeneye a pain.

@Avenkay: Cars and trucks damage roads and pollute the air we breathe. They slow our cities to a standstill and need massive amounts of fossil fuels to make them work. They kill or seriously injure thousands of people at the hands of drunk drivers every year. They clog our motorways and interstates. They need millions

@Three Stacks: There tends to be a 1:1 price ratio between the US & UK on stuff like this. There shouldn't be - if it launches in the US at $399, then in the UK, we should be paying about £250. Unfortunately, it happens all the bloody time and we get ripped off.

@thexpert: You're the Master's cousin?!

@Aradiel: I heard it as Reeeealm.

Impressive. Most Impressive.

@El_Furioso: That'd be the Roddenberry that had crap ideas for the 1st movie, made ST: TNG boring as hell for the 1st couple of years and basically, after Stat Trek, never had another good idea in his life, would it? Yeah, visionary.

@Ryan: No, it was a sign left on a door at a completely different house, because vic had taken a wrong turn. Re-read the article.