
@Petey 2 Kold: Something something Red Ring of Something.

@MrGOH: I wasn't terrible, it had solid gameplay and controls. It just didn't stand out against the other shooters on the other machines. As far as FPS games on the Wii go, it's one of that console's best (IMHO, anyway).

What was that PC game where one of the characters was Nathan Drake from Uncharted lifted wholesale and put in a suit?

Allen Irwin. I see what you did there, Dept of Homeland Security. Good work.

@LedRush: Or, maybe - jut maybe - they've got a layout that works well and they've no need to change it. Just because some people don't like it, doesn't mean it's fundamentally broken. TBH, I've never liked the layout of the Xbox or Gamecube pads, where the analog sticks are swapped with the d-pad. If you hate it so

@King_Picard: Wait - there's a guitar in there called Purple Majesty... Isn't that a penis reference? O_o

@Damob: Or, conversely, way to tick off the Firefly zealots.

Lots of people can't afford smartphones. Particularly teens. But they also like filming stuff to share with their mates. Flips and similar camera are perfect for that.

@Dutch Guilder: Your comment is the obvious and inevitable convergence between a large male bovine and fresh, sweet grass - bullshit.

@Homerjay. Fudd me.: It's a mystery to me too. Also, if you remember, people complained about the cramped keyboard on the original iMac because it had half height function and arrow keys.

Now playing

@Vouivre: Celery being snapped = breaking bones. Cabbage being sliced = decapitation

@killakoopa: Saying "Lets make a 3rd movie where Vader is redeemed and the Emperor is killed and there's another Death Star and we see Jabba the Hutt" isn't writing. It's a checklist.

@someone_else: Net Yaroze was a Playstation, not a PS2. But they did make a Linux kit for the PS2 for university computer students to learn coding for the PS2.

The Break Key on the BBC Microcomputer. Right next to the function keys and just above the number keys, so every time you went to hit the zero key or the F10, you ran the risk of resetting the entire machine. And it happened. Often.

@bigcamcrsx: How about stupidly expensive proprietary hard drives with pitifully small sizes where you have to buy a stupid transfer cable to migrate your save data to a newer, bigger proprietary hard drive? That's the killer feature I've been waiting for.

You have received an achievement! Gonorrhea.