
This guy seems completely oblivious to that fact that 98% of world inhabitants could kick the shit out of him with some ease.

Total nonsense.

The i8 is so very much the wrong car for this task.

What a fantastic conversation.


“For the most part neither getting pied nor getting verbally assaulted are considered justifications for starting a fist-fight,”

“Acting is my day job.”

What a pretentious asshole.

Ah shut the fuck up will you

What if your priorities are vast quantities of alcohol?

A lot of people would die if this ever went into operation. Am I the only one seeing this?


Shadow of the Comet!! Great game.

Exactly. It’s like everyone forgot the OPENING SCENE OF THE ENTIRE SHOW.

I hate Ted Cruz with a passion, but if he voted for this, you would have been against it and pillorying him for sending young women to their deaths while they still didn’t enjoy equal rights with men in broader society.

My immediate thoughts exactly.

How could it be that VC backers wouldn’t have consulted several biotech experts and come to the same conclusion?!

Something incredibly creepy about her hand in that pic.

To some of us, it was. But then we were set upon and derided as sexist, so we shut up.

How miserable must he have been playing Bond that he’d rather do this?!