Anyone ever seen Ricochet? He plays an escaped convict who rapes Denzel Washington and gives him an STD.
Anyone ever seen Ricochet? He plays an escaped convict who rapes Denzel Washington and gives him an STD.
“Hey, don’t knock Judy Blume. Without her, my younger self would
never have been able to decode the random acts of madness perpetrated by
the fascinating creature known as the teenage girl.” - Ken Marino
I saw her in a film called 'Demonios Tus Ojos' at a film festival earlier this year. You can look up for yourself what it's about. But I'll say that the feeling of akwardness was palpable during that screening. I think the entire audience felt dirty watching it.
Others have already gone over this, but I also thought the message in the episode was "just because you started college and learned some stuff, doesn't mean you automatically know what you're talking about"
I don't see how the portrayal of college kids is any worse than when Tina Fey tackled high school social dynamics in Mean Girls. That movie isn't exactly an accurate and flattering portrayal of teenagers either. Maybe people don't get offended by that one because no one identifies with being a queen bee archetype and…
Maybe if they'd shown more of Francesca and Pino's relationship I could go along with it. But we see so little of it, and it's mostly from Dev's perspective that it comes across as selfish to me that he's butting in there (even if he does feel bad about it).
It didn't seem to me that she's completely miserable about…
I like rom-coms. I like stories about unrequited love. I can buy a lot of far fetched behaviour and thinly sketched characters when the genre itself has its own internal logic and delivers on the romance and the comedy. It's why I never had a problem with the Andrew Lincoln storyline in Love, Actually, for example. I…
He's nailing that behaviour where you're never sure which way it's going to go, even if though he's been shown to be a jovial person so far. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Just my luck. Literally the first video I got was of a dildo chair someone had constructed. Like the one in burn after reading.
I don't know how it is in other countries, but here in the Netherlands I've never encountered one where it's just an enquiry. They're either trying to sell you newspaper subscriptions or trying to sign you up for monthly donations to some organization like Greenpeace or Doctors without borders. Once you engage with…
I would never get into one of these situations. I don't even allow people with a clipboard to approach me anymore. If I see one in the distance walk towards me with those big smiles, I just stare at them intensely, shaking my head indicating 'no' without reducing my pace..
This episode was a lot of fun. I could watch more of this.
I thought so too. I normally like the filmmaking in this show, but this felt to unecessarily showy to me. It's so similar to a scene in Michael Clayton that I'm almost certain it was inspired by that. But I have no idea why they would play a riff on that movie. It's a weird reference to make unlike most of their…
This shows seems to work in multiple modes; Observational stories about "issues", romantic comedy and then the occasional satire about the entertainment industry. The tonal changes don't always work very well. This episode was an example of what didn't work.
I was wondering how well that would go over with the Henson company and Sesame workshop. I mean, the puppet looked authentic and I know Tina Fey has worked with them before, but still…Jokes about molesting puppets doesn't seem like something they want to be associated with (especially with that Elmo controversy).
I watched most of the 9JKL promo before I realized the writer of this article wasn't talking about Bert from Sesame Street.
There was an Abrams written episode in season one called "The Force" where they're standing in line for Star Wars episode 1.
I always felt that they should've done a "big chill" type of story for those final episodes.. Show how their lives and friendships had changed a couple of years removed from college being away from each other.
Could've been an interesting commentary on how those four years in college are a particular meaningful time in…
The experimental nature of the show had me watching the first couple of minutes without realizing I had the Spanish dubbing on.
I occasionally put on Spanish subtitles to glance at and learn the language, when i'm watching something in English. It's an easy way to pick up phrases but for some reason it also…
I went to college across the street from the building from that scene of "Who Am I?"
Not a lot of movies are filmed here, so I always liked to point out that out to people around me. The stunt where he slides from the rooftop is still pretty impressive.