What the fuck is wrong with this guy. I'm so sick of people being like "Oh, but he's talented! But he has a wife and kids! They're a cute family! He has reformed himself!" No, he's a legitimate psychopath.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy. I'm so sick of people being like "Oh, but he's talented! But he has a wife and kids! They're a cute family! He has reformed himself!" No, he's a legitimate psychopath.
Dude was trying to show the ref his bite marks, Ref was having none of it. Thats some serious fucking horseshit.
That's how performance works...a GTR is faster in a straight line than a Ferrari 458, even though the 458 is getting on for twice the price. But so what...that doesn't mean the 458 is a bad car...I'd rather have one of those than a GTR.
Jordans status as the greatest of all time is not threatened. Please refrain from typing such nonsense. Jordan is 6-0 in championship play and didn't need to form his own team. Jordan also can't be compared to anyone else. He changed the game and is what all current players aspire to be. "Like Mike."
Are YOU telling me that MJ wouldn't have fixed the A/C in time to win the game? He could have easily, he has the knowledge and the heart that any average electrician, let alone lebron, simply do not have
The butthurt is strong in this one.
Wow...hadn't heard that till now and reading about it...that's insane! Should not have been operating any car on tires that old.
I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?
I know I'm going to sound like an old fart (disclaimer: at least I'm not old), but this is why people don't like car enthusiasts.
Yeah, a real PROFESSIONAL President would start a shooting war with Russia over a few square miles of another country on the other side of the planet. The last few wars we've been in have been great successes, after all!
Either Clarkson is a babbling idiot or a master of self promotion. Or both.
He is VERY good at what he does though.
The entire universe was in uproar this past week, when news emerged that Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson kinda-sorta-but-not-really mumbled the n-word in a rehearsal last week. The next time he gets in trouble may be his last, Clarkson wrote in his weekly column for The Sun.
In that case...both print journalism and broadcast will have lost one of the most gifted writers of a generation, and be far the poorer for it.
Of course, this is coming from the same guy who proclaims that every new car with a V12 engine will be the last, LAST, last, last V12 ever made, even if those pronouncements do come in the middle of absolutely beautiful and stirring pieces.
It's quite Clarkson'ish to make a joke of not mentioning it and mumbling that part. But the fact that he has to apologize for that, in something that didn't air, that makes me hate the time we live in. Politically correct piece of crap.
The world is so screwed up! Clarkson threatened with termination over something he did not say on a tape that was not aired. Well done A holes!
Obviously, this was all masterminded to get some random nobody on the internet to watch. For shame, Mr. Clarkson.
And they're sorry they lost you.