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I'm disappointed there was no (at least honorable) mention of this:

I'm curious how on Earth the sanctioning body allows this. Is it just because they'll allow anything as long as the participants bring enough money in?


Just like the old saying goes: "'I' before 'E' except after 'C' and don't you dare put a motherfucking 'K' after that shit either or I'll murder the fuck outta you."

Despite not being in any sort of physical danger, Zimmerman still plans to shoot DMX.

Richie Incognito is a thug. Sherman is wrong. Case closed.

I would love to say Sherman comes off as articulate and well-spoken in this interview, but that would be racist. I would love to say his actions were frowned upon according to the majority, but that would be racist. I would love to say he's an idol to urban youth in an untraditional way, but that would be racist.

Maybe, just maybe, Richard Sherman IS an asshole.

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Wow this is fun, never said Senna made a mistake only stated things can go wrong with the best driver in the world in a controlled environment you can take away what you want. Why do I feel like?...

I work for a state transportation cabinet, and this is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. The shit the public will believe about road construction and materials is jaw-dropping.

Can we stop saying the car hydroplaned? Doesn't that imply water is involved?

The Super Bowl is nothing but a corporate function for the NFL and its partners. Average fans need not apply.

Lovely sunny chilly day in Seattle, good day to take the old beast out for a spin:

A mark of character is the ability to laugh at yourself.

To be fair Jay Mohr is the comedy equivalent of Danica Patrick's NASCAR record.

How does a 3,000lb car with a carbon fiber monocoque designed to separate take out this light pole while only going 45mph?:

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You can possibly extrapolate the damage to the much less reinforced side of a car from this head-on test into a tree. As per your request, lab setting for accuracy. :)

ah, jump scares... They're like the fart joke of the horror world.

This guy is...just....amazing...

No kidding. Everyone knows stormtroopers never hit anything. Best safety feature ever.