
My biggest regret is that Sinead called her "talented". Damnit, Sinead, then she mocked you, because she's well, not.

So, what makes the driver a douchebag here?

Fuck these people. I don't care who you fucking are, but putting innocent lives at risk is stupid. Fuck these people. Fuck Alex Roy for setting the standard for people like this guy.

Well, I'll say this for them: the Selsen Blue cartel really knows how to send a message.

I assure you that's one link I won't be clicking.

Once again, a boring soccer game ends in a 1-1 tie. Not sure why they didn't have a shootout to decide it, though.

You're goddamn right I'm the strongest. Forearms like goddamn paint buckets.

Weddings are to make money for your future

I'm not sure if it's the first wedding you have been to, but for your next wedding... People give envelopes. I lost out on $200 covering you and your dates plate... And got fluffy whip and sour patch kids in return Just a heads up for the future :)

Jesus. It felt neck and neck, and then South Carolina unleashed the "The Iraq, everywhere like such as." You can literally see her hit her stride and just jump to another level. No contest.

OK, how did Saint Timmy end up with a Chipper Jones sized herpes sore?

8 Dead After Teammate Tells High School Baseball Team to Hit the Showers.