

Yeeeeeeeep. Correct across the board.

Yes. Night King is my boy.

It was absolutely hilarious

Rich, just shut up

Oh personal preference, nothing more. I owned a 55, not a 65.

False. SC V8 far better engine.

Man those are some tortured tires

Suspension wasn’t great. It’s a little slow-witted, which always caused the car to slam down going over sudden holes.

My main recollection of the car’s noise was the absence of supercharger whine no? I mean in comparison to my old man’s XJR, with its dentist’s drill overlay at anything more than quarter throttle.

65 was a V12

Incredibly shit. Mine had a habit of going in to limp mode after some spirited driving. Happened randomly and a few times a year. Restarting the car usually fixed it, but incredibly annoying.

SL65 was a V12

Rear or front threequarter with everything down it’s a nice looking car, no?


Though what I would give for Paul Ryan to be in the Oval Office right now

Finally, Hamilton. Some common ground.

Father’s daughter. Not sure why this would be remotely surprising.

About fucking time

What is scope for lasers to be used to defend against incoming ICBMs?