
It’s almost as if schools shouldn’t play kangaroo court when it comes to sexual assault cases.

Regardless of the merits, this is REALLY bad timing, dude. Your name is going to be handcuffed to BROCK TURNER UNREPENTANT STANFORD RAPIST forever.

Her having a bruise goesn’t negate her being the aggressor. Now I think Depp is likely at least as guilty as her and likely more so given a wide history of him being a drug fueled mess. I just wanted to point out that someone having a bruise doesn’t inherently mean that they are the victim.

Really? I have a feeling if a man got arrsted for dv and was not charged u would be singing a diffrent tune.

Well, if we’re going to play that game:

Defend? LOL. Could give a fuck about Depp (but I don’t), I just wonder, why is Depp automatically guilty when he has no record of domestic violence and Amber is automatically innocent when she has an arrest on her record?

Amber Heard was arrested for Domestic Violence? Fuck me. This is massive. Does this not match with what people from Depp’s side have been saying about how Amber was often the perpetrator and how security had to pull her off Depp?

Seriously. I can’t imagine being an Olympic caliber athlete and having to make the choice of go to this hot mess of a games or miss out on what I’ve spent years of my life training for.

I assumed she was welding something just out of frame.

Did her eye doctor just dilate her pupils or something?

Best advice anyone could give. And for anyone thinking they might have a drinking problem, that’s a great start for attending AA. You don’t have to say to yourself, I’m definitely an alcoholic, to be able to attend AA, you just have to want to listen to other people talk about their experiences. My home group (aka the

I’d like to let anyone reading this know that there are AA meetings across every town and country at every time of day. You don’t have to pay any money to attend a meeting or even give anyone your real name. All it costs you is an hour (sometimes an hour and a half) of your time.

What bothered me is the “standing in the way of history” remark in the reporter’s tweet. Based on that, is Hillary standing in the way of the first potential Jewish nominee?

Stop making excuses. He was a black separatist which is a core belief of The Nation Of Islam. Hell, even George Lincoln Rockwell of The American Nazi Party was invited to and attended Nation of Islam speeches. They both believed that all humans should be with their own races and cultures. I personally have no problem

Considering he came out of the Nation of Islam, it’s amazing he was able to tolerate whites.

Since this is the The Slot, the obvious conclusion we are supposed to draw is that Hillary is A WONDERFUL PERFECT QUEEN GODDESS AND IF YOU DARE DISAGREE THEN YOU HATE ALL OF THE WOMEN WHO HAVE EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE! /s

I’m sorry, can we talk about Deray’s vest for a minute? Dude needs to retire that thing. It was fine at first, I thought it was cool when he started wearing it on TV, etc. But between wearing it over his shirt/tie while he was running for mayor and wearing it with his doctoral robe at the commencement for The New

Do we wonder if Seacrest asked Kanye for the rights to use “Gold Digger” as the theme song?

Just speaking from my own experience, mentioning anything about her record is followed quickly with the attempted shut down: “you’re just saying that because she’s a woman.” Snake eating its own tail

It’s a simple way for Clinton defenders to avoid those discussions.