Of course he can quit. My point is that you don’t hire people to push their political leanings on you.
Of course he can quit. My point is that you don’t hire people to push their political leanings on you.
Not really. And to be honest what his manager did was pretty uncool. He works for Bieber not the other way around.
Sandra Lee?
I’m willing to risk the innocent to remove Kimye from this world
Blaming someone for capitalizing on the acts of others suggests that they endorse the acts of others. I think you may be missing the critical thinking piece here. And to be honest why should critical thinking be wasted on a bunch of clowns like this bunch.
That is a huge stretch blaming someone for their fans. I guess you blame Beyonce and Bieber for the crazy crap the Beyhive and the Beliebers pull.
This is about race? This seems to be more about people just being morons.
So is this site http://jezebel.com/theres-nothing…
Who cares?
the fact that her husband would rather drink and snort himself to death in the company of random whores than spend one more minute sober on this planet with her is rather telling
It will one day be illegal for too many white people to congregate in the same dwelling
It has nothing to do with the alleged “conservatives crying about it”. Hopefully she just smartened up and realized that regardless of what she thought it was not her place to say it.
The apology was in fact necessary
Your mom just apologized
“ Disappointing this aspect wasn’t condemned in the article.”......do you realize what website you are on?
Just because you have the right to say something doesn’t mean you should.
As long as human beings exist this is never going to stop.
Well then at least if everyone is going then all sectors of society get to share in the outcome. It isn’t just the poor kids going off to fight the rich guys war.
Did not know that. I’m actually for universal conscription for a set number of years for everyone. By putting everyone’s skin in the game lawmakers tend to be a little more hesitant to start wars. Without the draft the military can end up looking like a blue collar work camp that doesn’t reflect all of society.