
The only reason a school would go to all the hassle of banning peanuts is if there was actually an allergic student. So, do you happen to know if there were any funerals for your daughter’s classmates after you ignored the rule? Peanut allergies kill, even if it is minuscule amounts.

Ok, so I may or may not have access to a stolen time machine and I want to make your alternate universe a reality.

Nice, I am getting this extention. I have always wondered why Amazon didn’t have it from the get go.

So bast rope is waterproof, which is neat. But most rope is easier to make, right?

Just going to say that, thanks Beth.

Who are you to say what the proper way is? The current crew is the one writing articles that have built the brand and are making the company millions.

Do you have anything to back that feeling up? The anti-gun peeps have pretty good numbers on the times where a day was not saved. But are there good numbers from the pro-gun people saving the day? I ask, because I looked and found nothing reliable.

Do you have anything to back that feeling up? The anti-gun peeps have pretty good numbers on the times where a day was not saved. But are there good numbers from the pro-gun people saving the day? I ask, because I looked and found nothing reliable.

There is no women’s prison for her level of military crime. She is never in contact with other prisoners, male or female.

There is no women’s prison for her level of military crime. She is never in contact with other prisoners, male or female.

I like that argument, makes sense

That actually seems resonable and quick to me. Different expectations I guess.

I think you are 100% right, there is no way he would ever go back to the old duds after he got the new ones.

Rifd is rather cheap, but not so cheap that you can put it on everything on the store. Plus it only works a very short distance from the scanner.

My kids are going to love this show, hopefully that will be a good thing.

Excactly. And the weird thing is that each of these tests were designed to prove conventional physics correct and this engine nonfunctional, but thrust keeps getting measured. It is odd.

You are a monster for making me laugh.

Well, she left the arena in a condition discribed as dead, and now she is in a condition discribed as alive, soo... Kinda seems like prayers have some results to claim in this situation.

This is the only way that the law will be fixed. When the court sees the result of their insane interpritation, only then will it get fixed.

Well, as long as he isn’t doing it for free, he can call himself a professional.