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    “She’s received a grant from Disney, traveled to Ghana to help feed orphans, and now—in her latest act of altruism—she’s rounding up children’s books that feature black female leads so that she and her peers have more fictional characters to look up to.”

    Me too, and I was like “correct”.

    To be fair, he’s super drunk most of the time.

    IT WAS YOU! In the hammock at the Metrics concert!

    Think about the 10 most fun times you’ve had sex in your life—would you want to experience all these times again simultaneously? No!

    I assume you’ve taken this opportunity to become a drug mule. That’s very lucrative, I’ve learned from the zero research I did in my head.

    It’s my wife. I keep telling her to quit it. She’s always like “Okay, yeah, totally, you’re probably right that it’s weird,” and then five minutes later I catch her doing it again.

    whaaaaat does his stupid shirt say?

    This is the best song I’ve heard since John Ashcroft’s legendary “Let the Eagle Soar.”

    First four rankings I totally agree with; then you started naming movies that don’t exist.

    Okay let’s go, what’s the best food in NYC? Here’s my nomination: the donuts at Carpe Donut, usually a truck but currently in a popup location near Prospect Park. THOSE ARE GOOD DONUTS.



    I suppose so, but there’s this thing where when you get a self-important “author” with his feelings hurt on the internet, it always seems to be a man who writes sci-fi. So they SEEM more common.

    How the hell is Cloud Atlas even remotely connected to those other books though? It is terrible and no one should read it under any circumstances.

    To be fair, nearly all published sci-fi is fucking terrible and I’m willing to bet yours is too.

    I feel like this title should be called “Some People Who Do A Perfectly Reasonable Thing Are Also Annoying Douchebags,” which is true but doesn’t really have any bearing on the thing.

    Intonation! Intonation is the word I meant to use. *facepalm*

    dang it