
“This young Guerrero Jr. is a star in the making, and Canadians have adopted them as their own. I propose we find an appropriate way to honor him, and I have a few ideas.”

Somebody will eventually fill that demand with a sustainable business model.”

inevitable success

I feel bad for that guy in the lead photo. He’s out there, fighting for a cause he truly believes in and gets his photo taken at the exact moment he’s noticing the stain on his shirt. His friends are going to DESTROY him when they see this.

That just mean you want to be able to drive three of friends for bowling, but do not want them to enjoy it too much so they won’t ask you to drive them too often

It’s a foreign concept to a lot of the commenters here. 

Why do you need room for 4 if you have no family?

Could you post a picture of one? 

Astro, Michelin, Nikola

I don’t understand what The Matrix has to do with anything.

Disclaimer: My brother sent me this. I did not make it myself 

I wasn’t implying better, just different!

That’s OK. It happens to a lot of bull semen factories. 

How nice. Somebody decided to turn one of my 8th grade notebook doodles into an actual car. 

What’s important is that it sounded better in your head.

Can we root for them to be so bad that the 1972 Dolphins retroactively have their perfect season stripped so we never have to hear about it again?

An appeal to his vanity is better than appealing to his morality.