
Well, we don’t want the mistake of some bad actors to harm the REST of the team!

To the author and editors: please keep publishing these articles. I know most readers, myself included, come here for poop jokes and seeing what fresh, new way the NFL found to screw up the simplest things, and this won’t get the page views it should.

“OK, stop me if you’ve heard this one before...”

I always chuckle seeing his name written Papa “John” Schnatter.

Forrest Gump has some bizarre scenes that wisely didn’t make it to the movie.

Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser

My wife and I each have a Graco Extend2Fit in our cars. The biggest pro was the high rear-facing weight limit. Our son is pretty big for his age, but we still want to keep him rear-facing after he turns 2. Having the legroom extender helps negate concerns over comfort.

My wife and I each have a Graco Extend2Fit in our cars. The biggest pro was the high rear-facing weight limit. Our

I saw a pretty forgettable Kevin James movie on an airplane once where his startup company was making a speaker system for an electric Dodge Charger(?) to simulate engine noises. I’d much rather see exposed Tesla coils become a thing.

My two cents... I see this as worth reporting for two main reasons:

Way to spin a non-story. They weren’t allowed in because there wasn’t enough room. You think the EPA should just be spending money on frivolous things like bigger conference rooms? I certainly don’t want my tax dollars being spent so carelessly.

My take is that Craig’s portrayal is a great spy, but a poor Bond. I’m only a casual franchise fan, but I believe James Bond needs a certain cheeky sense of humor that doesn’t come through in the Craig movies.

My take is that Craig’s portrayal is a great spy, but a poor Bond. I’m only a casual franchise fan, but I believe

I’m going to go out on a limb and say most people who hate on Last Man Standing never bothered to watch. Yes, Mike (Tim Allen) is the always-right Conservative White Man. However, while the uber liberal son-in-law is usually painted as ridiculous, he frequently earns Mike’s begrudging respect. One of Mike’s best

Impossible! He would never do that to someone as cool, dope, fresh, and smart-brained as Derek Bortles.

Re: jumper cables

FYI, my work network blocks any links (e.g. Alaska Airlines sale, other travel deals).

FYI, my work network blocks any links (e.g. Alaska Airlines sale, other travel deals).

Except for everything that was already teal first.

Not extremely recently, but I recall it being like like injecting that sweet XTREME ‘90s ATTITUDE directly into my veins.

I bought the current model for my wife on Black Friday and was able to install the packages needed for the Google Play store. Not sure about custom ROMs, as I left hers otherwise stock.

I bought the current model for my wife on Black Friday and was able to install the packages needed for the Google

Not sure about your Mustang rear seat + driver position, but I was able to install an infant and later a convertible carseat when our son was born in both my coupes (2015 Challenger and 2001 Grand Prix), with two caveats. One, an infant seat takes up roughly the same amount of space as an American bison, so the front

Confirmed: when I started my current job a couple of years ago, I found out the recruiter played one of the kids on the team.