
100% agree. I’m glad I’m done with it, and it’s become objectively bad for the internet as a whole. The more people quit the better. 

Or any number of the companies they also run/own...Insta specifically.

Way ahead of you. That’s one app that will never be downloaded onto my phone. If I need to read messages, they can wait until after I get home and sit in front of my PC.  Otherwise I might check it once every few weeks or so. 

But uninstalling it does.

Good idea.  Quit Facebook.  Trust me, you won’t miss it.

That’s a divorce.

They like pretending they’re a real publication.

Solution? Screw it and dont say anything. If you are going to make rules on what people can say and cant say, its better to just not say anything and the heck with it.

no, this is indeed some terrifying shit

if i’m gonna die. i want it to be by my hands. not a fucking terminator.

Fine get in the cab driven by a human (because they never caused accidents) and smile for the camera and swipe your credit card.

You realize car makers recalled more cars than they sold last year?

I love the mega logic jump to assume “No deaths”.

Not going to ever work in the winter.

It’s going to be funny when hackers get in and start slamming these cars into cement walls.

Uber is a company that has proven itself to not have a shred of fucking decency. Trusting them to do anything that is not of immediate value to them is a fucking terrible idea.

LOL @ carbon footprint