
Sorry but you are what you were born as, if its SOOOOO important to scan our IDs, check them over and over again everywhere we go, then yours has to be a legal and lawful and truthful document. Oh well so sad.

Wow did not take long for a communist millennial to pop in here and start talking “Taking away people’s cars” Taking away people’s freedoms and rights is like a video game for them.  I am 43 now and No, you wont ever be taking my car


Simple solution. Stop using Facebook, and if you DO use it use it only on desktop or from a mobile browser and NOT an app.....

Simple solution. Stop using Facebook, and if you DO use it use it only on desktop or from a mobile browser and NOT an app. That or use Facebook with ALL fake info and never on your phone

Oh goody, more creepy spying tools for big brother

But but but.. “Muh weed cures da cancer” lol

Contracts? LOL Who in their right mind signs a contract to “pay back” his wife. What planet do you live on. In our home our money is in ONE account, not “his and hers” then again we (I guess) lucked out and we are not liars.

No, just 3% of the gun owners are dumb enough to admit owning guns in some random phone survey, I own plenty, but have yet to say “yes I own guns” when asked.

Things don’t “give you cancer” that is an old outdated way of thinking. Cancer is genetic.

hehe yeah and that is why 99% of the people I work with in a network data center are white males, making over 80,000 a year hahaha you just keep telling yourself whatever you want to think, and no, I don’t stockpile guns because I fear a black sneak attack lololol

Why would I want to divest in something that is making me money

No, I wont accept that and I wont use apps that spy on me. I can lock my phone down pretty tightly, more tightly than most, and I wont willingly use any spy app designed to snoop on me.

I’m lovin it! haha

The NFL Is now paying for letting these thug overpaid babies protest a non issue. NFL = No Fans Left

DESTROY the annoying co worker. Set them up to fail, never “get memos from them” Screw with them 24/7 it works. Its less work then working with annoying people.

The best way to deal with annoying people is to simply get them fired. Every office has a gossip that would rather die then tell someone who TOLD them something about someone. Spread rumors to that person, sit back and watch the bonfire.

Solution? Screw it and dont say anything. If you are going to make rules on what people can say and cant say, its better to just not say anything and the heck with it.

Its all just security theater

please k i l l yourself