Bobo Chimpan

From many angles! I never imagined I'd find myself attracted to the small of someone's back until Nora Durst went into the trailer with that weird radiation machine…

'Twas Beethoven, not Prokofiev.

The reviewer mentioned "White Noise," but that last scene reminded me of a different postmodern standard, Pynchon's "The Crying of Lot 49." Varga even mentions "I hate waste," which I took to be an explicit W.A.S.T.E. reference. The answer to whose interpretation of events was correct depended on who walked through

Yes, as upsetting as Natalie's death was, it felt earned and appropriate, as opposed to MK's, which was just ugly and unecessary

On the one hand… yeah, totally

Are the visions… only… uh… visual?

Major got to be happy for almost, like, ten whole hours!

OK… further information on this, as near as I can gather:

There was an opposite moment of "Being Highly Aware That They're The Same Actress" when Rachel was offering Sarah tea and Sarah was getting up in her face… and it looked like a classic split-screen until Sarah broke through it to knock the teacup out of Rachel's hand, which made the action all the more violent and

OMG, Action Jack IS Steve Ballmer!

Hey, he only had, like, a few seconds to come up with something…

The GOP Senators made a tradeoff— the AHCA bill can't be filibustered, but in exchange there's what's called a vote-a-rama (for serious). Unlimited amendments can be proposed, and they all have to be discussed and voted on. Call your Democratic Senators and tell them that you EXPECT them to "filibuster by amendment"

hear hear!

I'm still super worried for Lopez. After she and Burgle had that hug, then she went off to the bathroom, I was fully expecting something terrible to happen. Maybe I'm wrong and everything will turn out fine, but I keep thinking somebody's not gonna make it through the finale…

Yeah. As much as she and Ray were a sweet couple, and as much as I always believed (even if I never understood) her feelings for him were genuine… dude was holding her back. He wasn't the bridge partner she needed. Teaming with Wrench has unleashed her full potential:

I have a friend who stopped watching season 3 because he finds Varga and his teeth and his bulimia just too disgusting to deal with. I was thinking of him during that rocky road scene, and later even moreso when his mouth was superimposed over Emmit. I mean, he's SUPPOSED to be entirely disgusting… but I can see how

Yup. He was also the voice of the Black Guardian.

Is Art just really short? Because Maddie was towering over him, so much that I had to check if the actress was six feet tall. She's played by Elyse Levasque, who is 5'9"

"Yeah, well I almost shot you so we're even!"

I get a sense she's probably the most normal: "Send Mud! She'll put the newbie at ease… better'n any of the rest of us, at least"