Bobo Chimpan

Bagpipe solo in :"It's a Long Way to the Top (if You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll"

I had no idea that was her IRL boyfriend, and I still laughed my ass off at the whole sequence. In hindsight, it does make the extreme makeout and the ass-grabbing make more sense…

I can't remember if Art has ever had any dating life hinted at by the show…

Or continue with the trend of female companions and blow the Bechdel test RIGHT out of the cosmos

Nu Shooz!

Ferreira also put out an album called "Night Time, My Time," in reference to a Laura Palmer line in FWwM, the title track to which quotes LP's "Faster and Faster" speech

Not so much a showcase as the first scene where's she's even justified her existence

Oh right! Tony… it was Tony Baritone, right? That obscure HBO thing with the opera singer who were also gangsters or something

Just based on the description and the cast list, this movie sounds pretty funny. The fact that it is apparently not is a damning indictment of the writing and directing.

At least the studio isn't giving her drugs to try and prevent the onset of puberty, a la Judy Garland…

sooooooooooooo creepy!

I found myself wondering how much it's costume/makeup, how much it's posture, and how much it's Maslany being "I play Rachel tomorrow, gotta fast and then hit the sauna for a major shvitz!"

I am (it seems) much less invested in Cophine than… anybody? It's a pairing that never really worked for me. I mean, the flashback at the beginning was very sweet and came quite close. I know that I'm supposed to see them as OTP at this point, but I just don't.

Tony? There was never a Tony. You must be thinking of some other show

No I do not, because Grant and Dunne's reconciliation at the end of "My Favorite Wife" was entirely earned. And it did not involve a friggin' cuckoo clock.

Agreed that the movie is otherwise charming, but Bogie is totally wrong for the part. I've heard that the part was originally supposed to go to Cary Grant, but he ended up not being able to do it. Only 5 years younger, per Google, but what a different vibe he'd've brought…

never saw it

Hepburn and Bogie in "Sabrina." Just ick no.

I've not seen "The Ugly Truth," but the reconciliation between Cary Grant and Irene Dunne at the end of "The Awful Truth" felt completely unearned. THERE I SAID IT!

The whole season has already aired in England, so if you don't mind poking around the internet (and possibly indulging in some semi-legal downloading) you can watch this season all at once.