Bobo Chimpan


Maybe if we kiss you upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat it'll knock it loose

THAT was the best comic beat of the episode, you ask me. Perfectly delivered blackout

I just rewatched it, as I had no recollection from my tween days of Pertwee watching. I was certainly too young at the time to be paying attention to the closing credits, and so missed that King Peladon was played by Patrick Troughton's son! I wonder if there are any other instances of the Doctor playing across from

Oops! Boom in shot… for the 30th take in a row. Wow, I'm clumsy today

not looking this gift horse in the mouth, personally

How does an episode where Peyton dresses up in a catsuit (COMPLETE WITH EARS!) and spanks Liv with a flyswatter get a C+? That scene was everything I never realized I needed out of life

Ravi redeems himself for his (apparent only) cowardice waiting in the car last season. And it seems he's scoring some points with Rachel, who is super cute and already gives him motorcycle rides… and who is totally undercover. Possibly with FG

Totally Fillmore Graves undercover. This. Yes.

The culmination of LOST wasn't the finale, it was "The Constant."

All the attention paid to the upcoming loss of Erlich… will we even notice his departure coming so soon after Chambers'?

I hate to "um, actually" Nick Charles, let alone James Bond, but a marti— AAAH! ASTA'S GOT ME BY THE LEG! STOP BITING BOY! STOP IT!

For the last part of Missy's info-dump, I was waiting for Bill (or someone else) to point out the fatal flaw in the monks' plan— if they need her mind-control juju to survive through her progeny, they should've made sure she wasn't gay first…

That dress was aMAzing!

Yeah, that was the sentence right there. The entire film was made just so Ignatiy could write that sentence in a review.

Really? I loathed "A Town Called Mercy" and have blocked out any memory of "Vampires of Venice," though whenever I try to remember details I start feeling a mild nausea.

Probably misread, since Googling Elegius brings up pages about St. Eligius.

It seems that he went from true story to apocryphal but widely believed story to wild-eyed conspiracy theory… unless there was some specific detail about his Lehman Bros. story that was off

and also the sandwich story is completely apocryphal, apparently from a Brazilian novel:

As soon as Meemo started following Nikki and Ray to the Motel, I thought to myself: at least one of the three of them isn't going to be alive by the end of this episode.