Bobo Chimpan

I'm pretty certain Gloria makes it through. It's Lopez I'm worried about…

Aliens wouldn't have a ship with English writing all over it. Elegius Corporation. Season 5 big bads?

This was back in the first season when it was still on prime time network television and pretending like it was anything other than pure schlock trash. I remember there was a story on the local news about the episode, how the actress had had a friend who died the same way. It was all rather bizarre, which is probably

I only watched the first season of Baywatch, because it was television and I was bored. And I do specifically remember an episode where one of the lifeguards was attacked by a shark and spent the episode in the hospital. And everyone thought she was getting better, then at the end suddenly she died. That's all I got.

Moira Kelly beats Lara Flynn Boyle with a giant baseball bat.

I thought that line was unnecessary. Just the glance at the dog explained everything…

her reaction to that…

I had no recollection of Today's Special whatsoever, the mannequin or anything, except that as soon as Laurie mentioned it I could hear the theme music in my head…

I think Dinesh getting elbowed by the FBI agent will make her love him even more, and I doubt any cell can hold her. No way we've seen the last of Mia.

PS, disappointed the E-Fluidator link doesn't work, but I bet I could squeeze the fluid with my hands just as fast

Co-founder? GO GIRL!!!

Diplo REMIXES, which is a special special kind of hell.

I mean, just a simple glance at the TARDIS instruments, followed by "It's cold outside— no kind of atmosphere" and my head would explode

Operation Rusty's Blanket!?

I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned:

RIGHT!? I couldn't believe he didn't even bring that up

Not since they killed Pike…

holy crap you're right. Went back and rewatched it, totally missed the water pour sound the first time…

RIP? fuck that shit

Missed? Now that he's dead there's no point in shooting at him