Bobo Chimpan

This episode had me thinking the exact same thing, yes. Such an improvement over their previous dynamic!

Similar to people's complaint about dominatrix brain— that pro-dommes rarely if ever act like that in their off hours

The dominatrix brain was hot af

There was also (and I've told this story here before, so apologies if you've heard it already) a mail robot at my dad's office. This was in the late 80's, after the technology spread out into the commercial sector (my dad worked in group pensions). The mail robot would beep to let people know it was coming, and so was

If the show is coming back next year with a smaller budget, I don't think mecha are in the cards…

Ohhhhhhhh, yes! Still laughing just remembering that. I almost referred to "the knife speech," but then remembered that later callback, making it a runner

I really really wanted to hear the rest of Laurie's panda joke

After all the drama last week, with the reviewer saying that Monica's story was her being a victim of sexism, and the commentariat countering that she's been hoist by her own petard… this week's story DID show Monica as the victim of sexism— she would have gotten the blame had SeeFood turfed out, but she gets no

It is indeed "Kool Aid," and you can stream it here:

Jared has slowly turned into my absolute favorite character on the show. For the second week in a row he was responsible for the moment when I lost control of myself laughing. The knife runner almost killed me.

Except that precisely the problem with the type of faceless zombie capitalism portrayed in this episode is that it attempted to shed its humanity— pure acquisition and greed untethered to any hint of human concern. It's goal was to continue to add numbers to a balance sheet, not in service of any human need, so that

OK, when June/Offred asked Nick "are you an eye?" did anyone else hear "are you and I…?" and sit there wondering when the missing verb was going to come?

Trump supporter on a bicycle?

Oh man. My feelings toward musicals? Wildly ambivalent. In my youth my mom dragged me and my sister to many many a musical, and bought the soundtrack tapes for long car trips. Steady diet. South Pacific, Camelot, Pippin, Chess, Edwin Drood, Sweeny Todd, Into the Woods, Fiddler on the Roof, you name it…

Really? All the ads I saw for that made me not want to see it at all…

A lot of people seem really down on it.

Was that also him lying on the floor in that one scene? Is Malvo back? Is he narrating from Hell?

The show has been a bit slow to start this season, yeah… but that last moment with the closeup on Coon/Burgle's face, the light dawning, while the teakettle came to a boil in the background (and then the cut to that great closing song) just had me cackling. I took it as a clear sign that all the dominoes are now set

She's gone borderline Maslany. I'd never seen her in anything else, so it took me completely off guard

The android turning on her creators was inevitable (just ask Mac and his DVD collection)… it was the WAY she evolved into what she is now that was unexpected