Bobo Chimpan

When she showed up as AIDA and just did the affectless thing I was rather unimpressed. So her slowly revealing the depths of her acting chops has been a very pleasant surprise

So more Tr— oh, Welcome to Tiny Train World beat me to it

My argument isn't that Liv and Major can't be together due to any specific plot mechanics. Sure they could handwave something, but why? The writers (rightly) put their ingenuity into making the characters miserable, not happy. Liv and Major working things out to be together is a happily ever after that would make no


OK, I guess that makes sense… though it still seems a little non-sinister for the weight the scene was trying to give it

As I said last week, Blaine's non-reaction to his friggin' dad showing up out of the blue had me convinced he wasn't faking. Now I'm just super-impressed by his level of self-control. Not even a hint of a flinch…

I was so glad when that turned out to be a new plot element, and it wasn't me completely forgetting characters. I felt real dumb when Liv mentioned two names and I had NO idea who she meant.

oh, gah, I'd managed to block that memory…

I like Liv and Major as a couple, but it's on the same plane as Liv getting her humanity back: it would essentially be the end of the show. It's something on the horizon, a reason for both of them to hope, but it's not something we're going to see beyond a few minutes at the end of the series finale, if even then.

I'm glad that the guy confessing so weirdly to killing the dominatrix (his "whatever" on the motive) isn't being glossed over. I remember at the time it seemed like the episode had another twist to trip on us and it felt really disappointing when it just left it there… looks like it's going to be a longer arc

So much great Clive in this episode. Major eating ice cream? I could watch a whole hour of Babineau-reacts-to-scatter-Liv faces

Another reason to be glad I avoid promos and the like…


Correction: my biggest laugh may have been the return of the self-driving car… but they were so close together they rolled into a general Jared hilarity.

That was what had me laugh hardest in the whole episode. I was surprised it wasn't mentioned in the review

They came back at the end. QED

I always ask for the Penne Primavera 'cause I'm a vegetarian, but they say that all the dietary needs are already tied up in the Marine Penne because it's pesca-pescatarian

"He's preserved in the walls, in the very fabric of the building. Forever"

All the stuff is gone! That David Bowie vinyl could've scored a pretty penny on Discogs

The landlord said very clearly that they hadn't been killed or eaten, that they were still alive inside the wood. So if the roach/trilobyte/dryads could transfer their energy to the daughter, they could transfer it back.