Bobo Chimpan

When he pulled down the box marked "cufflinks" (which actually had some cufflinks in it, so) I was totally expecting it to contain a gun.

I misheard "ride" as "run," so I spent the whole scene thinking Nora was going for a jog wearing Chucks. That was already enough foreboding for me!

You have the show confused with "Wild at Heart"

aww man, you suckers are wearing me down… OK, I'll give it a look-see

OK, so as I mentioned above I finally got around to "Ghost Light" last week, so it's pretty fresh in my mind. According to the DVD extras, the script was overlong and mercilessly hacked up even before shooting started. They thought that maybe they'd be allowed to make it a four part story, but were then told no, it

They're giving Broadchurch another season (pardon: "series") after that dumpster fire of a second!?

I watched "Ghost Light" for the first time literally two days ago… didn't even realize Who was coming back, so it wasn't intentional. I don't understand why it has a reputation for making no sense. It made a general kind of sense.

"Hating them is a little too easy."

I know what you mean. Her prose can be impenetrable and exhausting. If I read before bed I'll find myself going over the same sentence seven times and still have it slide right past my mind.

I started reading CJ Cherryh's "Downbelow Station" last week. For a book that came out three and a half decades ago and focuses on a refugee crisis, it's stunningly gripping and relevant.

Have you been to Tenochtitlan? I always ride past it on my bike, but I've never stopped in. How are their tacos? Any vegetarian options?

For me, there is probably no such thing as too much Cheryl. If she had her own spin-off, I would watch with delight

The way that Ravi's conversations with brain-affected Major and Liv worked on multiple levels really blew my mind. I will admit that Major saying that he and Ravi were best friends had me starry-eyed like a kitten vid. Because they ARE! And neither one of them would admit it without teengirl brain coming into the

Yeah, that stuck out to me too. Either it's a plot hole, or it's an indication that there's something deeper going on. I trust the writers enough to assume the latter…

Jeez, but Clive Babineaux can NOT catch a romantic break! The way this show balances comedy and knife-twisting SO perfectly that they set each other off rather than getting in each other's way still amazes me. And this episode fleshing out Anna and Wally was so much knife twisting that it should have felt sadistic,

I have no insightful observations on this episode, just bra-fucking-vo. People who think this show is bad are dumb and deserve to be missing out.

It's gonna be rough around the holidays, all his family asking, "Wahabbi to your career in comics?"

His last album was wayyyyyyy overproduced

Everybody has an accent. I don't know WTF mine is. Neither does anybody else. I grew up in Connecticut and went to high school in Chicagoland. Midwesterners think I have a New England accent, New Englanders think I have a Chicago accent.

If you love Quinn, avoid this season. The writers decided at some point to use him as a punching bag.