house settling
house settling
I think the innocents he meant were Robert the chief of staff and anyone else killed in the first two SUVs
Something something "Appointment at Samarra" something…
Saul has magical bomb-surviving powers. Is this the third or only second car bombing he's lived through?
It's seriously on the bubble for me… I just keep watching for the cast, hoping the writing will eventually live up to them
I usually go to the AV Club tv section to remind me of what shows air what nights. After episode 3 of Powerless, I thought the show had gotten canceled or went on hiatus.
Maybe it wasn't book 3, but the copy on the back cover mentioned that the protomolecule had created a hyperspace gate of some sort
CSB warning: random details about my life
I found her defection less hard to swallow than just how single-minded she was in wanting to see the ocean last week. Like, wanting to see the ocean I get. Wanting it enough to break out of her quarters and wander around a strange planet seemed a bit much…
Bobby and Alex are now my favorites, with Naomi close behind (her failure to destroy the protomolecule knocked her down a notch or three)
I was 9 in 1984, so a little bit behind you… I do remember trying to program a Zork-style adventure game in Basic at about Henry's age. It involved teaching myself (from a book) how to code matrices.
It's more amazing that plenty of people know about it and don't think it's good enough to bother with. Like… how could you watch that pilot and not be HOOKED?
I think that might be why Ravi gets the edge, because Wallace was poorly used by the writers. The distinction might be that while Wallace was a super great friend, Ravi is better -written- as a friend
Agent NoooooooMakeThisDumbJokeSTOP!
Just went back and checked, Coulson refers to "the Cambridge Incident"
wait… is that what's actually going on in the Marvel universe?
I will add to the chorus: YOU MUST WATCH LEGION!
Oh, good catch!