Bobo Chimpan

I'm just waiting for Hopper to figure out it was the spooks who killed his friend Benny…

she watched just enough tv to know they're "in the freezer section!"

Oh yeah, me too. On the other hand, I was a bit disappointed in his (completely unwitting) betrayal of the boys. In the comments for the previous episode, someone was speculating that Mr. Clark might be gay… but given the way "call me Scott" was flirting with the murderous government agent (and being played by her

Had we met the agent whose head got kablooied before this episode? If so I don't remember, and I was struck by the way they introduced her so smoothly, without a hint of the red-shirt about her, and how genuinely shocking and upsetting her death was, especially for someone we'd just (?) met

Mom! I'm podcasting!

That first sequence was so thick with dramatic irony I thought I might develop an ulcer— after what happened to the last person who tried to help El, our plucky child heroes decide that they're next up to bat. Just so much clueless on the part of the kids, with such an undercurrent of dread and violence.

That happened to me watching the Battlestar Galactica reboot (years after everyone else)

I'm trying to suss out if there's some deeper meaning to the use of Elvira Madigan beyond it being a gorgeous and lush piece of music…

There was also the "Elvira Madigan" concerto playing during Angela's confrontation with the CEO…

I had no idea what that link was before I clicked it… good thing I don't have a weak heart

OK, I knew it definitely wasn't Mars. Mars and Jupiter are the movements I'm familiar with, and I didn't recognize the music at all.

Watching for the first time (yeah, SUPER late to the party) and the rapes felt completely unnecessary. Maybe it's just my perspective from the heightened sensitivity of 2016, but it felt like using the victims, both Kristen Bell and the little girl, as props to demonstrate the eeeeeeeevil nature of Armadillo.

The only question of importance: has Leon on "Mr. Robot" seen this episode yet?

That's exactly what I was thinking (and I hadn't read any of the back and forth up to now)— that if they added a new gay character there would be complaints of the writers being too cowardly to have one of the canonical Trek characters gay. I personally think Sulu is a perfect choice, far superior to inventing Trek


CSB: When that episode aired I was dating a lady named Pamela (it didn't last) and I laughed my ass off at the line.

"Your wife divorced you."

It's true… I worked a tech startup in the Boston area right out of college and the ubiquity of heavy eyeliner and all-black clothing was a thing to behold

As much as I liked the Jared moments the reviewer mentioned, that was my favorite of the ep. It reminded me of the gif with the kitten watching its mother and imitating her cleaning her face

I tracked down an old vinyl copy a few years back. Great stuff.