Bobo Chimpan

A few weeks ago, wasn't the reviewer complaining that everything was going too well? So, critique the show for not having a disaster, then critique the show for being too predictable when a disaster comes…


Didn't she TELL them to be prepared? It's like these hyoo-mons don't have any concept of gather-preparation!

Ah! I THOUGHT that was Godspeed! Then I convinced myself it couldn't be…

and you've discovered the secret of acting. Congratulations!

That whole exchange had me wondering whether she'll end up as a straight villain in future seasons…

I saw that coming the whole way, and it was still hilarious

Being much better than Starbucks and still being terrible are far from mutually exclusive

The only episode of this I saw was the Freeganomics one, and I had recently gotten back from touring the northeast with my band, during which one of our shows was in a MA freegan house. The freegans themselves were smug narcissists, but their house was stocked with prepared food they had dumpster-dived from a nearby

I was half expecting it to be Tatiana Maslany as yet another clone, then realized it was Delphine the moment before she turned around.

if it's a minority, it's a sizable one

My parents were born in '41, so P&E's rough contemporaries (at least time-wise). They had me and my sister later in life, so we went to school with kids whose parents were born post-WWII and the difference in parenting style and attitude between them and the Boomers was a VAST gulf.

dang, ain't that troof… too busy putting together all-day fests? (First time I saw Unwound they opened for Fugazi. I was there and I still don't quite believe it)

It's odd to me to think about the live version of "Sexual Frustration" as an adaptation of the album version, since I heard it first live…

As somebody said above, pick up all their albums. Pick them up in chronological order. "Smack Bunny Baby" isn't as much a revelation, but it's a damn damn fine album and will put everything else in perspective

Thanks for that story. Excellent.

I knew I'd find you in this comment section, DJ

Delightful interview. After such a heavy ep, I needed that laugh

You're entirely right. Oleg is the good son, according to both Arkady and Tatiana. I took the opposite implication: that in being a good son he was being less than loyal to the center and his country. But neither one wanted to call him on it, so they awkwardly found the positive. It's like a "he tries hard" level

I'm really glad I waited until the next morning to watch that… Nina's headshot RIGHT before bed would've been even more upsetting